Do Milk Snakes Drink Milk: Is It Safe for Them?

Maintaining a proper diet is essential for milk snakes. It keeps them healthy and active. Their name may suggest that you give them milk. However, you have to do proper research first. Do milk snakes drink milk?

No, milk snakes do not drink milk. They drink fresh water and you should only serve them that. Milk snakes do not have the necessary enzymes to digest milk. Feeding them milk can lead to digestive issues, and other complications, too. They can suffer from diarrhea, which can also lead to dehydration. 

You must have got confused. Don’t worry though. Let me explain to you in detail why you should not feed them milk. And what foods are safe for them. 

Why Does Milk Snake Not Drink Milk?

Milk snakes are not genetically designed to drink milk. They do not have digestive enzymes called lactase. This enzyme is essential for digesting lactose and sugar in milk. Undigested lactose and sugar are unhealthy for this reptile. 

Besides, milk is not a natural item on their dietary list. Drinking fresh water is enough for their hydration. Giving them milk will cause digestive issues like diarrhea. Prolonged suffering from the disease can lead to dehydration. It is a great threat to reptiles. Therefore, you need to avoid giving them milk.

Why Are They Called Milk Snakes?

Since they do not drink milk, you may wonder about the mystery of their name. Why are milk snakes called milk snakes? How did the word get linked with their name? Well, it all began from misconception and misunderstanding of the reptile.

These snakes are often seen in barns. A rumor spread that they like to drink from cows, which was not true. This is a very popular myth regarding milk snakes. Yes, milk snakes are often found in barns. But this is not to drink milk. Instead, they go there looking for rodents. These small vertebrates are their favorite food.

What Other Foods Milk Snakes Do Not Eat?

Milk is not the only food item that milk snakes avoid. There are foods as well that they avoid. The following table summarizes in brief the types of food they should not eat. 

What milksnake cannot eat
Food NameReason
Large MammalsMilk snakes are generally not large enough to consume big mammals.
InsectsAdult milk snakes usually do not eat insects as their primary diet. They prefer larger prey items.
Vegetables and FruitsMilk snakes are carnivorous and do not typically consume plant-based foods.
CarrionMilk snakes are active hunters and usually do not scavenge on carrion.
EggsWhile some snakes eat eggs, milk snakes typically do not feed on eggs as a primary source of nutrition.
Toxic PreyMilk snakes tend to avoid toxic or venomous prey, as they are not equipped to handle such toxins.

What Can Milk Snakes Eat?

Milk snakes can eat a wide variety of food. There is no need to because of not drinking milk. They are carnivores and do not eat vegetables. Their diet is much different than carpet python diet. Here is a list of food items your milk snakes can have:

Food for Milk SnakesBenefits
Pinkie mice (newborn mice)Suitable for hatchlings and small milk snakes
Fuzzy miceSlightly larger than pinkies, appropriate for growth
Hopper miceIntermediate size between fuzzies and adult mice
Adult miceSuitable for larger juvenile and adult milk snakes
Small ratsA larger prey option for adult milk snakes
Medium ratsLarger option suitable for well-grown adult snakes
Large ratsFor larger milk snake species
Extra-large ratsReserved for very large milk snakes
Multi Colored miceProvides variety in color and nutritional content
GerbilsAlternative small mammal prey
HamstersAnother small mammal option
Quail chicksA bird option for variety in the diet
Day-old chicksYoung chicks suitable for smaller milk snakes
Small birdsAnother avian option for diversity
Frog legsOccasionally offered for variety
LizardsAppropriate for some milk snake species
Small snakesEnsure size compatibility for the milk snake
Insectivores (crickets, mealworms)Variety in diet with insect-based prey
Fish filetsOccasional treat; some snakes may eat fish
Thawed frozen prey itemsEnsure proper thawing before offering to the snake


Let’s check on some frequently asked questions about reptile enthusiasts. You will find this information interesting. 

Does a snake drink liquids?

Yes, snakes do drink liquids. They usually obtain water through their food. They may drink water droplets from leaves in the wild. For pet snakes, arrange a shallow water dish for snakes to maintain proper hydration. They absorb water through their cloaca.

Do milk snakes get thirsty?

No, snakes do not get thirsty like mammals. They consume the necessary water from their prey. However, you should arrange for a shallow water dish for captive milk snakes. Do not forget to change the water regularly. 

Can snakes drink Coke?

No, snakes should not drink Coke or any carbonated beverages. Snakes are carnivorous reptiles with specific dietary and hydration needs. Carbonated drinks can be harmful due to their high sugar content, acidity, and the potential to cause digestive issue

Is alcohol safe for milk snakes?

No, alcohol is not safe for milk snakes or any other reptiles. Snakes lack the necessary enzymes to metabolize alcohol. Even small amounts can lead to serious health issues. Alcohol is toxic for milk snakes and it affects their nervous system and causes organ damage.

Does any snake drink milk?

No, there is no species of snake that likes to drink milk. It has been a myth that these reptiles like milk. In reality, snakes are carnivorous and do not like to have milk. Besides, milk can cause several issues in snakes. 

Does milk help milk snakes prepare poison?

No, milk snakes do not prepare or produce poison. The term “milk snake” does not imply any connection to milk or venom production. Milk snakes are non-venomous and are part of the Colubridae family. They do not produce poison and do not drink milk either. 


Milk snakes do not drink milk, you must remember that. Their drinking milk is a myth that influenced their names. But in reality, they do not drink anything except water. These snakes do not need to drink water in the wild. They can get it from their prey. You should not offer them any milk. Giving them rats, mice, etc., and other vertebrates they eat.