Do Bearded Dragons Eat Mice: Benefits, Safety, and Risks

You must already know that bearded dragons are omnivores. They can eat both plant-based and animal-based foods. Their diet also includes a good range of variations. This can make you curious about experimental foods like mice. Do bearded dragons eat mice?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat mice, but only the small ones. Pinky mice are the best options for them. Adult mice are much bigger in size and can pose threats. Besides, they cannot digest bones and furs. It should not be their regular food either. 

Having a detailed idea regarding feeding mice to bearded dragons is essential. Therefore, instead of feeding mice right away, have a careful read of this article. It is important, trust me!

Are Mice Safe for Bearded Dragons?

Yes, they are safe under various conditions. You need to manage edible, small-sized mice for them. Adult mice are too big for them, and you need to feed them pinky mice. The size is not the only thing to be concerned about. 

You need to serve the right species of rats. You can visit a pet store and manage suitable rats for your dragons. Catching and feeding wild mice is not safe. They can contain various diseases. Feeding them frozen pinky mice is your best option. Do not overfeed them. It is not on their primary diet list. Feed them no more than one mouse a month. 

Why Do Bearded Dragons Eat Mice?

A good reason to feed mice to bearded dragons is that they like it. It satisfies their need for carnivorous foods. Here are some major reasons why these reptiles like these small mammals. 

1. Visual Stimulation from Live Mice

Bearded dragons are genetically wired to choose live prey over the dead ones. This is one of the reasons you may notice that bearded dragons do not eat dead crickets. Anyway, the subtle movement of little mice works as visual stimulations. It raises the appetite in your reptile, and they attack them. 

2. Easy to Hunt

Bearded dragons are not too big. Therefore, they often find it difficult to manage their prey in captivity. However, small pinky mice are easy to prey on. They can easily fit these baby mice in their mouth. Their teeth are strong enough to chew and eat these rodents. 

3. A Good Source of Protein

Mice also have nutritional value for bearded dragons. These mice are a good source of protein. Protein is a building block of the cells of bearded dragons. It helps improve their growth rate and boosts their immune system. Protein is one of the major nutrients your reptiles need. Feeding them rodents occasionally ensures the proper servings of protein. 

4. Mice Are High in Calcium

Mice bones are a great natural source of calcium. This mineral is vital for maintaining strong bones for bearded dragons. It prevents metabolic bone diseases as well. Adequate calcium intake is particularly important for their overall skeletal health. Hence, adding mice to their diet is a good way to fulfill their calcium requirements.  

Do Bearded Dragons Eat Adult Mice?

No, you must not try to feed adult mice to your bearded dragons. It is not safe for them. Adult mice are bigger in size than bearded dragons. It can pose a threat to your reptile as well. Though bearded dragons are not on the dietary list of rats, they can still get harmed. 

Besides, adult rats have grown fur and strong bones. Bearded dragons do not have strong enough teeth to break the bones. Their digestive system is not suitable either to digest the furs. It can cause digestive complications and make your beardies ill. 

Therefore, you must not feed adult mice to bearded dragons. They are not safe and ideal for them. 

How to Feed Mice to Your Pet Bearded Dragons?

Do bearded dragons eat mice? Yes, but you need to follow a systemic approach for that. Follow these guidelines to ensure the safety of your reptile friend. 

  • Do not serve frozen mice directly to your pet. Instead, defrost and warm the mouse. A temperature between 86°F and 95°F is ideal for them
  • You must not use a microwave to warm the mice. These small mice are very delicate. A slight miscalculation can create a mess. It can also lead to potential bacterial growth.
  • Take a bucket full of warm water and use it to defrost the mice. It is a much safer option. Let the mice cool down to a suitable temperature before serving them. 
  • The mouse should feel neither cold to the touch nor too firm but rather soft.
  • Capture the bearded dragon’s attention using a pair of tongs to dangle the mouse in front of it.
  • Pinkie mice are not required to be chopped. Bearded dragons can have them whole at a time. 
  • Planning to serve live mice? Make sure it is not very strong and does not pose any threat to your pet

What Types of Mice Can You Feed to Bearded Dragons?

Pinky mice and fuzzy mice are the safe ones for your reptiles. It is important to decide what types of mice you should feed your reptiles. Not all of them are healthy and safe for your reptile. 

Pinky mice refers to mice that do not have fur. They are newborns and usually are not more than a week older. They are pink in color, which gives them this name. Fuzzy mice, in contrast, are slightly older but do not have grown furs. They can have a developing coat of fur but not strong bones. 

The nutrition they provide is not the same in amount either. Check the below table:

Pink MiceNutrientFuzzy Mice
64 gProtein44 g
17 gFat30 g
160 mgCalcium 140 mg
90 mgPhosphorus 180 mg

Risks of Feeding Mice to Bearded Dragons?

Here is a thing you must not avoid. Feeding mice has its demerits as well, along with advantages. Here are some of the potential threats of feeding mice to bearded dragons:

  • Mice are high in fat. The fat content exceeds the requirement of your reptile pet. As a result, the chances of weight gain increase, and it can lead to obesity, too. 
  • Mice are high in protein and calcium, but they do not provide other necessary nutrients. As a result, your reptile can suffer from nutrition deficiency. 
  • Mice can contain parasites and diseases. They are ideal carriers of lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCMV), Tularemia, and Salmonella. These bacteria pose health risks for both your pet and yourself.

Alternative Safe Foods for Bearded Dragons

There are some very good and safe alternative foods available for your bearded dragons. You can feed them different types of vegetables, fruits, and insects. Give them crickets, flies, roaches, worms, etc. However, do not give them dead crickets, as it is not good for them. 

Here is a list of food they can have:

ApplesCollard GreensCrickets
GrapesMustard GreensDubia Roaches
MangoTurnip GreensSuperworms
PapayaBell PeppersPhoenix Worms
KiwiCarrotsBlack Soldier Fly Larvae
WatermelonButternut SquashSilkworms


Whether to feed mice or not is an important thing to consider. Check the following questions, and it may help you.

How many mice can bearded dragons eat?

Not more than one. You must remember it while feeding mice to your pet. It should be given only as an occasional treat. Feeding them more frequently in bigger numbers can cause health complications. 

Do bearded dragons like frozen pinky mice?

Yes, bearded dragons are like frozen pinky mice. However, you should not serve frozen ones to your pet. Instead, warm them in hot water and serve only when the mice have reached room temperature. 

Can bearded dragons eat live mice?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat live mice if they are small. Your reptile pet is not strong enough to prey on adult mice. You must remember this when leaving mice alive in their enclosure. 

At what age can bearded dragons eat mice?

Let your bearded dragons have mice only after they are more than 6 months old. Baby bearded dragons should not be fed the mammals. Their digestive system is not designed to cope with them in the early stages. 

How often can bearded dragons eat mice?

The frequency of feeding mice to bearded dragons must not be more than one pinky mouse a month. Frequently feeding can cause several issues. It should be their occasional diet, not primary. 


Hopefully, you have no more confusion regarding, “Do bearded dragons eat mice?” They do, and I love to have them. However, as the owner of the reptile, you need to be careful and responsible. Do not feed them mammals frequently. Let them have other sorts of foods to ensure their best fitness.