Can Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberries: Benefits, Risks, & How to Feed?

Bearded dragons can eat different types of fruits. This makes the owners wonder about different options. Strawberries, the beautiful red fruit, are a fruit that many owners want to feed their reptiles. Can bearded dragons eat strawberries?

Yes, your bearded dragon can eat strawberries safely. The fruit is high in water, which keeps your reptile hydrated. There is also protein and other minerals, including calcium, potassium, zinc, etc. However, it should not be made their regular food. Give them no more than one strawberry a week. 

Since you can feed your beardies strawberries, you now need to do it in the right process. Don’t worry. It is not anything critical medical stuff. Let me help you in learning how you can do this. 

Food Value of Strawberries

Before everything else, let’s have a quick look at the nutrition strawberries contain.

NutritionAmount per 100 g
Water91 g
Energy32 kcal
Protein0.67 g
Total Sugars4.89 g
Calcium16 mg
Magnesium13 mg
Potassium153 mg
Zinc0.14 mg
Sodium1 mg
Bearded dragons and strawberry

Benefits of Eating Strawberries for Bearded Dragons

Strawberries are safe options for your reptile pets. Let’s have a look at how the fruit is going to benefit your pet. 

1. Keep Your Bearded Dragons Hydrated

Strawberries are about 91% water. The fruit is very watery, so your reptile find is palatable and easy to digest. Besides, they can get the necessary water required for them. Serve the fruit to them during hot weather to fulfill their water demands. 

Lack of water intake can lead to various issues for your pet. They may have sunken eyes, wrinkly skin, and lost appetite. Losing appetite leads to nutrition deficiency. So, you can see that having enough water is important for your reptile. Feeding them strawberries can help you meet the requirements of that. 

2. Offers Different Minerals

Though not high, strawberries offer different minerals in small amounts. It includes zinc, sodium, calcium, manganese, etc. These are some essential minerals your beardies need for optimal health condition. Calcium improves their bone density and makes them stronger. 

3. Maintains A Variation

You need to maintain a variation in your reptile’s diet. Give them various kinds of fruits so that they can enjoy their food. Feeding them the same item can bore them, and they may show reduced interest in eating. 

Therefore, it is important to keep some variations to their diet. Strawberries are one of the safest fruit options you have. However, make sure you are not overfeeding them. 

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberries All The Time?

No, of course not. It is a big no-no. You must not make strawberries the regular food item for your beardies. There are several reasons for this. 

1. Contains Sugar

Bearded dragons, or any other reptiles, do not need sugar content. Their digestive system works fine without the presence of it. In contrast, too much sugar can disturb their digestive system. In rare cases, it can also lead to diabetes symptoms. This is the same reason they cannot eat grapes in large number.

2. Low in Nutrition

Let’s be honest. Strawberries are not rich in nutrition. They contain mostly water. But your pet needs more than just water. They need protein, fiber, and other nutrients. Strawberries cannot meet all these requirements. As a result, your pet will suffer from different health issues. 

3. Reduced Interest in Eating

Loss of interest in eating can be a common problem of feeding them the same food. Besides, bearded dragons are omnivores. They need both plant and animal-based food sources. You need to give them insects like crickets, worms, roaches, etc. 

The movement of insects raises an interest in eating them. You may have noticed that your reptile does not show interest in dead crickets. As strawberries are not going to show any movement, they lack the visual stimulation for eating. 

How to Feed Strawberries to Bearded Dragons?

How to Feed Strawberries to Bearded Dragons

Follow these simple instructions to feed strawberries to bearded dragons. It will ensure they are getting the best out of the feeding. 

  • Choose fresh and ripe strawberries and wash them thoroughly in freshwater
  • Remove the stem and leaves, though the leaves are not harmful to them
  • You do not need to remove the seeds, as they are safe for bearded dragons
  • Cut the berries into small and manageable sizes. It will make the fruit comfortable to eat for them. 
  • You can either hand-feed them or put the strawberries in a clean spot
  • Give them one or two slices at a time. It will make them happy to eat the fruit. You can see their reaction in this video:


Let’s see some of the frequently asked questions regarding bearded dragons and their consumption of strawberries. 

1. Can Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberry Leaves?

Yes, bearded dragons can have strawberry leaves on their food menu. The leaves are also nutritious and provide some benefits to your reptile. However, you should cut the leaves into small pieces to avoid choking. And do not forget to wash the leaves properly in freshwater. 

2. Can Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberry Seeds?

Yes, strawberry seeds are safe for bearded dragons. They do not contain any toxins that could harm them. Besides, the size of the seeds is too small to cause choking. Feed them the seeds along with the fruit. Feeding them only seeds is not recommended. 

3. From What Age Can Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberries?

Bearded dragons can eat strawberries from a young age. However, you had better not feed the babies with strawberries. They need more nutrition and energy than adults. Strawberries cannot meet their nutritional requirements. Hence, you may opt to feed the fruit to only the adult ones. 

4. Can Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberry Stems?

No, bearded dragons should not be fed strawberry hems. You must remove it before serving the fruit to them. The stem is often harder and can lead to choking. Offering the edible parts of the fruit is recommended only. 

5. Can Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberry Tops?

No, bearded dragons cannot eat strawberry tops. You need to remove the tops while serving it to them. The tops are not nutritious and difficult to digest. It can lead to choking on your reptile friend as well. 


Hopefully, next time, you are not going to dwindle about, “Can bearded dragons eat strawberries?” You know that they can, and it is quite safe for them. Make sure you are maintaining a good diet for them consisting of various fruits, insects, and vegetables. Follow my instructions while feeding them to avoid any unwanted circumstances.