Are Turtles Kosher: Can You Eat Them? Why or Why Not?

No, turtles are not kosher as they do not meet the necessary requirements to fall on this list. It makes turtles a no-no to be added to the Jewish diet. Eating turtles, or anything made of turtles is not permitted in Jewish society. 

There are several criteria mentioned in the Torah to decide if an animal is kosher. An animal needs to have cloven-hooves and chew their cuds if they live on land. For aquatic animals, they need to have fins and scales. Turtles do not match any of these criteria.

Let me explain why turtles are not kosher and why you should avoid eating them. As a turtle pet owner, I find joy in sharing this information with you. 

Why Are Turtles Not Kosher?

There are many features of turtles that make turtles a non kosher animal. Based on kosher laws in the Hebrew Bible, let me explain my point. According to Jewish law, all reptiles are non kosher. It is because of their common features that are against the kosher law. This is applicable for bearded dragons as well and beardies are not edible either.

They do not have fins, scales, or cloven hooves. It makes them unsuitable to match the requirements of a kosher diet. As turtles are reptiles, they are not permitted to eat for the Jewish community. 

The Torah has established these criteria clearly. No animal that has hard shells like turtles not allowed to eat. This forbiddance is not based on the harmful quality of the animal though. Instead, the Jewish religion believes that these animals are not good for your soul. They are impure and can affect the purity of your soul, as well. 

Side Effects of Eating Turtles

I have already mentioned that turtles are not kosher. Additionally, there is not very nutritious food either. Here are some more reasons for you not to eat them:

1. Health Risk

Turtles can carry bacteria, parasites, and toxins. These can be harmful to humans if ingested. The meat and eggs of turtles can contain zoonotic pathogens. You can suffer from diarrhea, vomiting, and other digestive issues. Besides, you may also suffer from extreme dehydration that can be fatal to your life. 

Are Turtles Kosher

2. Heavy Metal Contamination

Turtles are high in mercury, a toxic metal. The increased presence of mercury in your body can lead to several issues, such as

  • You may suffer from memory loss, tremors, and difficulty concentrating
  • Your motor skills can be affected. You can experience muscle weakness, numbness, and tingling
  • Impaired vision and hearing can result from an excess amount of mercury
  • Consuming high-mercury food can cause anxiety, depression, and hallucinations
  • Different important organs of your body, including kidneys, lungs, and immune system can be damaged

Find out if Turtles can eat kosher food like Green apples or cucumbers

3. Bacterial Infection

Research shows that nearly 80% of turtles carry salmonella bacteria. It can be on their skin and shells, though they may look completely healthy. You can get infected by these bacteria simply by touching or ingesting them. This bacteria is very harmful to humans.

  • The bacteria can lead to diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea, fever, vomiting, etc.
  • Causes dehydration and you may need medical attention
  • Enters the bloodstream and causes systemic infections to lead to more serious health issues
  • People with weaker immune systems can suffer gravely from it. Infants and older people must not eat turtles as a safety precaution
  • An estimate shows that 230,000 deaths occur annually around the globe because of salmonella

Do People Eat Turtles?

The above-mentioned side effects may sound convincing enough not to eat turtles. However, people still eat these reptiles in different parts of the world. These tiny animals are preferred by the Chinese and some other Asian countries for their meat. 

About tens of millions of freshwater turtles are consumed every year in Southeast Asia alone. This is quite a big number and it is concerning. Sea turtles may not be eaten in such large numbers. Still, about 1,00,000 and 250,000 sea turtles are consumed annually worldwide. 

The reason behind this consumption is mostly traditional rather than medical. In many traditions, turtles symbolize longevity. People believe they can live longer and healthier lives by consuming them. Medical science says the opposite, though. The availability of turtles in certain parts of the world also influences the consumption rate of the reptile.

What Food Is Kosher?

To help you understand the kosher diet, allow me to present a chart of kosher foods. Understanding the common features of these animals will be helpful for you.

FishSalmon, Tuna, Cod, Halibut, Sardines
MammalsBeef, Lamb, Venison, Bison, Goat
BirdsChicken, Turkey, Duck, Quail, Pheasant
BeveragesWine, Grape Juice, Coffee, Tea, Water
GrainsWheat, Barley, Oats, Rice, Quinoa
LegumesLentils, Chickpeas, Peas, Beans, Soybeans
Herbs/SpicesBasil, Cumin, Coriander, Thyme, Oregano
SweetsHoney, Dates, Fig Newtons, Chocolate, Halva
OtherEggs, Dairy, Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts

You can watch this video to know how kosher foods are made.


Go through the following questions and it will help you with additional information. You will find them helpful. 

Are tortoises kosher?

No, similar to turtles, tortoises are not kosher either. They are reptiles and lack fins, scales, or cloves-hooves. It was prohibited from being eaten by Jewish people. Reptiles, in general, are not allowed to eat Judaism.

Can turtles eat non kosher food?

Yes, turtles can eat non kosher food. The prohibition is only on people who follow Judaism. They do not eat kosher foods as such foods are considered impure and unhealthy for your soul. You can feed non-kosher foods to your pets, though.

Can Jewish people pet turtles?

Yes, Jewish individuals can keep turtles as pets. The prohibition is against consuming turtles as they are not kosher. However, there are no restrictions on keeping them as pets. These reptiles are very gentle and easy to look after. You can keep them for your entertainment. 


It is a fact that turtles are not kosher. You must avoid eating them if you are a follower of Judaism. Even if you are not, I suggest you avoid eating them. These animals are not suitable for your health and pose many threats. 

Turtles are gentle and solitary animals. You should let them have their fun in the wild. You can also keep them as pets and feed them both kosher and non kosher food. Check out dietary blogs for turtles for help.