Can Turtles Eat Cucumber: Safety, Benefits, and How to Feed?

Feeding your turtle the right vegetables is important for its health. Cucumber is a common vegetable, and you may have heard mixed reactions regarding it. Some may suggest feeding it to your turtles, while some may forbid it. So, can turtles eat cucumber?

Yes, turtles can eat cucumbers, and it is a good option for them. You must cut it into small, bite-sized pieces for easy consumption. You do not need to peel them for turtles. However, you must not make it their primary food because of its lack of nutritional value. 

Just a yes or no answer might not have satisfied you. I can relate to you, being a turtle owner myself. So, let me explain how much cucumber is safe for your turtle.

Is Cucumber Safe for Turtles?

Yes, cucumbers are not only edible for turtles but also safe. Cucumber is basically 96% water, which makes it safe for almost any pet animal that consumes vegetables. Apart from water, it contains a very low amount of sugar, fiber, and glucose. 

Cucumbers can be a good addition to turtles’ diet during the summer. It will offer much comfort for your reptile friend. Here is a catch, though. You had better remove the seeds to avoid choking. You can keep the peel as it contains good food value, too. 

Between box turtle and red-eared slider, box turtle would like to have cucumber more than RES.

Do Turtles Like Cucumbers?

Yes, most turtles like cucumbers if you do not want to count one or two exceptions. Besides, these reptiles are omnivores and can eat almost anything. As cucumbers are an easy-to-find vegetable, they are easy to arrange. 

The crisp texture and high water content appeal to your turtles. Adding it to their diet can be refreshing during the summer. However, some turtles may not like the taste, depending on their personal preferences. You must not force them to eat the vegetable as there are plenty of other options available. 

Can Turtles Eat Cucumber

Food Value of Cucumbers

Check the below list of food values. It will help you understand the positivity of adding cucumbers to your turtles’ diet.

NutrientsAmount per 100 g
Water94.1 g
Energy44 kJ
Protein0.33 g
Total Sugars1.06 g
Phosphorus14 mg
Sodium1210 mg
Fiber1.2 g
Potassium23 mg

Health Benefits of Cucumbers for Turtles

Feeding turtles can be beneficial for them in various ways. Let me explain it to you in the following section:

1. Offers Necessary Hydration

As I already mentioned, cucumbers are a good source of water. It makes the vegetable an excellent option to keep your turtles hydrated. A study found that almost 70% of captive turtles suffer from dehydration at some point in their lives. They can lose up to 1.6% of their body mass because of it. Therefore, eating cucumbers can help you maintain proper water balance for your turtles. 

2. Nutrient Content

Cucumbers are not rich in nutrition, to be honest. However, they still have some minerals to offer. Turtles contain potassium, sodium, and phosphorus in small amounts. Potassium is vital for muscle function, nerve impulses, and overall electrolyte balance.

3. Low in Calories

Cucumbers are low in calories. It makes them a suitable option for turtles to maintain a healthy weight. They will feel full without getting too many calories, which could lead to obesity and obesity. Obesity can be a concern in captive turtles. Therefore, foods with low calories, like cucumbers, are good for them. 

4. A Healthy Fiber Source

The fiber content in cucumbers can aid in the digestion of turtles. Fiber promotes gut health and prevents constipation. Additionally, it improves the digestive system of turtles. Give them cucumbers with peel in small pieces for better fiber consumption.

5. Adds Variety to Their Diet

Eating different foods can offer mental stimulation and enrichment for turtles. This is particularly beneficial for captive turtles. It keeps them engaged and prevents boredom. Unless your turtle shows resistance, you should give them cucumbers every few days later. To maintain variations, you may give them crackers sometimes.

How to Feed Cucumbers to Turtles?

I suggest you feed your turtles some cucumbers. Follow these instructions to give them cucumbers in the right manner. 

  • Choose ripe cucumbers. They are softer and have a higher water content. There is no need to cook them. Instead, offer them raw.
  • You must wash the cucumber properly to get rid of chemicals and pesticides.
  • Offering cucumbers as a whole is okay if it is a ripe one. You can also cut it into small pieces. Both are okay with the turtles. 
  • You can freeze cucumbers for a refreshing treat. Frozen cucumbers can be a good way to cool down your turtle on a hot day.
  • You can make cucumber salad for your turtle. Mix chopped cucumbers with a little bit of olive oil and vinegar for a healthy and tasty treat.
  • Monitor the reaction of your turtle. If it resists or does not show interest in it, do not force it. 
  • Give cucumbers a balanced amount. It should not be made their primary food as it does not contain many vitamins or other nutrients. Watch this video and see for yourself how they like the vegetable.


Here is some additional information that you may find helpful. Check them, and hopefully, your confusion will be clear. 

Can cucumbers be the primary food source for turtles?

No, cucumbers must not be made the primary of turtles. The vegetable is good for them but lacks essential vitamins and other nutrients. You can offer them cucumbers as an occasional treat. 

Can turtles eat cucumbers in winter?

Yes, turtles can eat cucumbers in winter. However, consider the temperature and activity level of your turtle. Make sure the cucumber is at room temperature before feeding them. Offer cucumber in a lower amount than in warmer seasons as a safety caution. 

Can turtles get sick from eating cucumbers?

No, turtles won’t get sick from eating cucumbers as long as you are offering a balanced amount. Overfeeding can cause digestive issues. Feed them not more than a cucumber at a time. This will prevent overfeeding incidents. 


Turtles can eat cucumbers but in a balanced amount. The water content of the vegetable is helpful for your pet. There are also some other beneficial factors to add to their diet. 

Feeding them too many cucumbers can bore them, though. Give them a good variety of foods to maintain optimal health. Giving them cucumbers with other foods will keep your turtles in a healthy condition. Hopefully, you have found this article helpful.