Can Bearded Dragons Eat Raspberries: Benefits, Risks, and How to Feed

Bearded dragons are curious reptiles. They may tend to eat anything you provide. This might be good but also concerning. You need to feed them the right food to ensure proper nutrition. Can bearded dragons eat raspberries?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat raspberries in small amounts. 1 or 2 raspberries a week is beneficial for them. It provides them with water, energy, protein, and minerals. However, the presence of sugar is a concern. Excessive consumption can lead to health issues. 

It is essential to feed these reptiles in a healthy manner. As a reptile enthusiast, let me help you add raspberries to your pet’s diet in the right way. 

Can Bearded Dragon Eat Raspberries?

Let’s discuss this in detail now. Since it is related to the health of your pet, I surely cannot give just a yes/no answer. As I said, bearded dragons can eat these berries. But I have also mentioned the number. Please take note of it.

Raspberries are fruits, after all. And the truth is the regular diet of bearded dragons does not require fruits. In the wild, they do not eat fruits. These lizards are native to the Australian drylands, where they live on insects and vegetables.

The adapting ability of bearded dragons is impressive. They certainly have adapted to some newer habits, including their diet. Your reptile friend may eat raspberries to please you, and not to mention that the taste is awesome.

But then again, fruit is not in their natural diet. Therefore, you must not feed them too many of these berries. Remember, do not feed them fruits; I mean any kind of fruit, not more than twice a week. And the number should always be the minimum for fruits. It must not be more than 10% of their diet. 

Nutrition Value of Raspberries

Raspberries are not one of those highly nutritious fruits like bananas for bearded dragons. Still, they have some necessary nutrients to offer.

NutrientsAmount per 100 g
Water85.8 g
Energy52 kcal
Carbohydrate11.9 g
Protein1.2 g
Total Sugars4.42 g
Fiber6.5 g
Vitamin C26.2 mg
Calcium25 mg
Magnesium22 mg
Potassium151 mg

Health Benefits of Raspberries for Bearded Dragons

Feeding raspberries in small amounts is healthy for bearded dragons. It promotes good health for them in various ways. 


1. Protects Their Skin

Raspberries contain 85.8% water of their net weight. Water is an essential element in maintaining healthy skin for bearded dragons. Lack of water can lead to shedding and drying scales. Besides, they may also have sunken eyes and look pale. 

Raspberries promote the skin health of your scale reptiles by ensuring they are getting enough water. Nonetheless, freshwater is still needed for them. I always serve freshwater with raspberries, chicken eggs, or whatever food I am serving to them.

2. Supports the Growth of Bearded Dragons

Raspberries can be a good source for your beardies. 100g of raspberries offer 52 kcal. This energy contributes to the overall growth of the reptile and maintains metabolic processes and overall health. 

Additionally, protein is also present in raspberries. It is the building block of animal cells and strengthens the immune system. Without the presence of protein, your beardies may not grow properly. 

3. Promotes Digestive System

Raspberries contain fiber that aids in digestion and promotes gut health. It helps prevent constipation by regulating bowel movements. Fiber also ensures the absorption of nutrients and maintains a healthy digestive tract. 

4. Improves Bone Health

Adding raspberries to bearded dragons’ diet can promote their bone health. The fruit is rich in vitamin C, protein, calcium, and other minerals. These food components enhance bone density and prevent bone fracture. 

How to Prepare Raspberries for Bearded Dragons

You see, there are some important advantages to letting your reptile friend eat raspberries. But maintaining a routine is crucial. Follow my lead regarding feeding them this delicious fruit.

washing Raspberries
  • Choose the right berries: Look for plump, ripe, and red berries. Avoid any that are moldy, shriveled, or damaged. If you find organic ones, those are the best choices. 
  • Wash the raspberries: Rinse the raspberries under cool running water to remove any dirt or pesticides. Be gentle when washing to avoid damaging the delicate berries. 
  • Dry them: Use a paper towel or clean cloth to gently pat the rinsed raspberries dry. You don’t want any excess water on them.
  • Remove stems and leaves: Carefully pluck the stems and leaves off the raspberries. The bearded dragon should only eat the berry itself. The stems can contain a small amount of toxins in it. 
  • Cut into small pieces: I often slice the berries into small pieces depending on the size of your bearded dragon. It makes it easy for them to eat. 

There you have it – fresh, healthy raspberry treats for your bearded dragon. I like to prepare a batch this way so they are ready to go when I feed my dragon. He seems to really enjoy the sweet flavor as an occasional part of his varied diet. I found a video showing their eagerness in eating raspberries. Have a look.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Raspberries Daily: What Are the Risks?

No, do not feed raspberries daily to bearded dragons. It is an occasional treat for them, not their primary food source. Here are some potential risks for beardies if they eat raspberries regularly.

  • Feeding too many raspberries can accumulate sugar in their body. This is not safe for them. It leads to obesity, diarrhea, and even diabetes sometimes. 
  • Raspberries are not rich in nutrition. Feeding them too many of these fruits may result in nutrition deficiency. They may suffer from different health issues as well. 
  • Phosphorus is present in high amounts in raspberries. Too much phosphorus can reduce calcium consumption and lead to bone health issues. 
  • Your pet may get bored of the same food and reduce eating. This hampers their food consumption and nutrition excess.
  • They may drink less fresh water as raspberries provide enough water. Lack of fresh water causes several health issues, especially sunken eyes and dried skin. 


Here are a few more questions that might have been raised in your mind. Have a look at them. Hopefully, you will find this information helpful.

How Often Should Bearded Dragons Eat Raspberries?

Raspberries should only be fed to bearded dragons occasionally as a treat. Aim to offer them no more than once or twice per week. Raspberries are high in natural sugars, so too much can cause health issues. One or two small raspberries a couple of times a week is a good amount.

Can You Feed Your Bearded Dragon Raspberry Jam?

No, you should not feed bearded dragons raspberry jam or any other jams/jellies. The high sugar and artificial ingredient content can be harmful. Stick to fresh or frozen raspberries. Even though bearded dragons may enjoy the sweet taste of jam, it does not provide good nutrition.

Can You Feed Your Bearded Dragon Raspberry Leaves?

No, raspberry leaves should not be fed to bearded dragons. The leaves contain minute spines that can damage the digestive tract. Only the raspberry fruits are safe for bearded dragons to eat.


Raspberries are a good treat for bearded dragons. But bearded dragons cannot eat them on a regular basis. They need other foods like vegetables, insects, and other fruits. Offer them the fruit occasionally for a change. This improves their appetite and love for food. Let me hear about your experience regarding feeding raspberries to your pet.