How Do Bearded Dragons Mate to Breed? (Including Weird Actions)

Raising a pet since its birth is a pleasing feeling. It gives you the pleasure and satisfaction of being there for it ever since it opened its eyes. But how do bearded dragons mate? This is a common question people often ask as the lizard loves to live in solitary. 

Breeding bearded dragons is much easier than many other reptiles. Put them together in an enclosure and observe courtship and mating behaviors. They get involved in mating very quickly. After that, keep the couple separated again. You have to take extra care of female dragons during this time. 

It’s not very difficult to let them mate. Let me help you learn how to do it based on my experience and research. 

How Do Bearded Dragons Mate

Beardies can mate with or without your intervention. I mean, in the wild, they do it on their own. Your support can be helpful during captivity. 

1. Male Bearded Dragon Approach

The mating process is initiated by the male bearded dragon. When ready to mate, the male bearded dragon springs into action. He bobs his head up and down rapidly to get the female’s attention. Next, he puffs out his beard and waves a front leg to display his virility. 

The male lizard circles the female, nudging and nipping her feet and tail while bobbing his head excitedly. These energetic motions signal his eagerness to mate.

2. Mating Ritual

The male beardie waves his arm, bobs his head up and down, and puffs out his beard. This displays his health and virility. The male will also circle the female and nip at her feet and tail. Don’t worry the bite of bearded dragons do not hurt.

In reception, the female beardie does the same actions, including flicking her tongue. She will flatten her body to the ground in a submissive posture. The male will then quickly mount the female from behind and grip the folds of her skin on the back of her neck with his mouth. This is to maintain grip and balance during mating.

2 lizards are hugging

3. Mating Process

The actual mating process is very quick, sometimes just a few seconds. The hemipenes of the male will be inserted into the female’s cloaca to transfer sperm. This is called cloacal kissing. They will separate quickly after copulation.

How to Breed Bearded Dragons in Captivity?

10 steps? This might sound like a long process, but it actually is not. You need to help in every step as well, from mating to the incubation of the eggs. 

Step 1: Identifying the Sex of the Bearded Dragon

Male and female bearded dragons have different features. Identify if your one is male or female. If male, then you can borrow a female one from someone else or buy a new one. Check the table below regarding male vs female bearded dragons difference:

CharacteristicMale Bearded DragonFemale Bearded Dragon
SizeGenerally largerGenerally smaller
Pores on FemoralLarger and more prominentSmaller and less prominent
Head SizeLarger head sizeSmaller head size
BehaviorMore territorialGenerally less territorial
Hemipenal BulgesVisible hemipenal bulgesNo visible bulges
ColorationCan have brighter colorsColors may be less vibrant
Reproductive BehaviorsExhibits mating behaviorsMay lay eggs if gravid
LifespanSimilar lifespansSimilar lifespans

Step 2: Take to the Vet for a Health Test

A vet checking on a beaarded dragon

Both the male and female dragons should get a full health exam by an exotic vet before breeding. The vet will check for several aspects necessary for successful breeding. 

  • The presence of parasites
  • Any kind of infection
  • Adequate weight
  • Fat pads
  • Reproductive health

Pet owners, including myself, usually let their dragons mate for breeding. That is why checking the physical conditions of both male and female beardies is important. Healthy reptiles can produce a bunch of healthy babies. 

Step 3: Adjust the Female Dragon’s Diet

The female lizard needs to be especially healthy. An adjusted diet can help with this. Avoid feeding foods like jackfruit or dead crickets. Feed nutritious insects like dubia roaches along with greens dusted with calcium powder. Proper nutrition helps her produce healthy eggs.

Step 4: Prepare A Habitat and Let Them Mate

2 bearded dragons in an enclosure

The breeding tank should be at least 40 gallons with plenty of hiding spots. Place the male and female together and watch their interactions. The male will soon approach the female, and they will mate. 

However, sometimes, the male may not approach. Or, the female one might not be interested. No need to force or stress them out on this. Separate the two beardies and then try again after a few days. Avoid keeping them in the same enclosure for long as they may start fighting. 

Step 5: Prepare a Laying Box

It is crucial to add a sturdy laying box filled with a loose substrate. You can use vermiculite or soil in the breeding enclosure before introducing the dragons. The laying box needs to be situated in a special place with the following features:

  • Warm and moist 
  • Substrate about 4-6 inches deep 
  • Not under the direct exposure to sunlight

Step 6: Have an Incubator

Before any breeding, set up a quality reptile egg incubator. Make sure it has a steadily hot temperature between 80-85°F. Maintaining stable heat is a must for proper development and hatching of the eggs. The incubator should have vents but keep humidity around 70%.  

Step 7: Separate the Female Beardie

Breeding is a taxing activity for bearded dragons. Remove the female to lay her eggs after the mating. She needs to lay eggs privately and recover alone. Watch for signs she is gravid and ready to lay. Give supplemental heat, hydration, and calcium. When it’s ready, bearded dragons can lay about 40 eggs in a clutch. 

Step 8: Incubating the Eggs

After the female lays the eggs in her nest box, gently transfer them to incubation containers. Nestle the eggs without rotating or disturbing them. Place containers in the incubator, maintain proper moisture levels and monitor temperatures daily.

Step 9: Hatchling of the Eggs

lizard eggs and hatchling

Following successful incubation after the female lays eggs every 4-6 weeks, the eggs will begin hatching! Carefully move each hatchling into a rearing enclosure suited for small juvenile beardies.

Signs of a Bearded Dragon Wanting to Mate

Bearded dragons display some clear behaviors when they are ready and willing to mate. You can watch for these mating cues when attempting to breed their dragons.

  • Age: Bearded dragons reach sexual maturity between 8 and 18 months old. The most appropriate breeding age is often 1-2 years old.
  • Size: Males are mature for breeding when they reach about 15-18 inches long from head to tail. Females are ready at around 20 inches long.
  • Bulges near the tail: Males develop prominent hemipenal bulges at the base of the tail when sexually mature. These house the sex organs.
  • Darkened throat: Adult breeding males will darken their throat and beard area, usually turning black.
  • Larger head size: Mature males have broader, larger triangle-shaped heads compared to females.
  • Weight: Healthy adult weight should be reached, usually 300-500 grams, depending on the size. Good weight helps support breeding and egg production.
  • Behavioral changes: Mature dragons become more active, displaying courtship behaviors like head bobbing, arm waving, and circling.
  • Previous breeding: Dragons that have bred successfully before are likely still of ideal breeding age and health if cared for properly.


You may have many questions regarding the mating and breeding behaviors of beardies. Check the following questions with answers. 

Do bearded dragons mate for life?

No, bearded dragons do not mate for life. They are not monogamous creatures and engage in mating with multiple partners. Once mating has occurred, the male and female typically go their separate ways. They do not form any bonds or relationships. 

Do bearded dragons have to mate to have babies?

No, bearded dragons do not necessarily have to mate to have babies. Though they can lay eggs on their own, these eggs are not fertile. It means no offspring can come out of those eggs. 

Do you need a license to breed bearded dragons?

In most places, you do not need a license. However, some states or places may have strict rules regarding this. The best option is to check the local guidelines regarding various pet animals. 

How long does the bearded dragon mating season last?

Bearded dragon mating season usually occurs in the springtime. It lasts anywhere from several weeks to a few months. The duration mainly depends on environmental factors, such as temperature and daylight hours. They become more active and exhibit mating behaviors during this time to attract females. 

What is the bearded dragon mating age?

Bearded dragons reach sexual maturity at around 18 months to 2 years of age. This varies slightly depending on individual growth rates and environmental factors. At this age, both male and female bearded dragons are capable of mating and reproducing.

Do all female beardies lay eggs?

No, not all female bearded dragons lay eggs. Female bearded dragons will only lay eggs if they have successfully mated with a male and become gravid. However, some females may also exhibit egg-laying behaviors without mating. This phenomenon is known as pseudo gravidity or false pregnancy.

Why is my male bearded dragon biting the female?

Male bearded dragons may bite females during mating attempts. It’s a part of their natural mating behavior. This behavior, known as “mating aggression,” is an instinctual response to assert dominance and facilitate mating.

Can bearded dragons change gender?

No, bearded dragons cannot change gender. Unlike some species of reptiles, bearded dragons do not possess the ability to change their gender. Various reptiles can change their sex or gender through a process called hermaphroditism.  

Final Thought on How to Do Bearded Dragons Mate

Considering their size, beardies are phenomenal creatures. Their mating may not take much time, but it is an enjoyable sight. I love to witness them nodding and puffing their beard. Make sure you have chosen two healthy beards for breeding. 

Beardies love living alone most of the time. Therefore, it’s better not to force them to live together for long. Take good care of the female beardie till it lays eggs.