8 Bearded Dragon Parasite Symptoms and How to Treat?

Parasites can cause a number of health issues in bearded dragons. As a parent of beardies, you need to know the symptoms to detect the infection. This will help you take the necessary steps before it’s too late. What are the Bearded Dragon Parasite Symptoms, by the way?

The symptoms of parasite infection express various symptoms, including:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Lethargy
  • Droopy eyes
  • Decreased appetite, regardless of the food
  • Weight loss because of less food consumption
  • Dehydration, and
  • Issues breathing

Proper care is needed to protect bearded dragons from parasite infection. Let’s learn about these symptoms in detail and what you can do to prevent and deal with bearded dragon parasites.

Common Bearded Dragon Parasite Symptoms

Parasite infection can be identified by a number of symptoms. Sometimes there can be multiple of them visible at the same time. 

Signs of Parasites in Bearded Dragons

1. Diarrhea

Diarrhea can be caused by several issues in bearded dragons, and parasites are one of them. Intestinal parasites like coccidia, pinworms, and flagellates can cause direct damage to the digestive system. 

This irritation disrupts the normal absorption of fluids and nutrients. They suffer from poor nutrition, and their immune systems get weaker. Their digestion system gets affected, which causes watery stools. 

Nonetheless, diarrhea can also happen due to improper diet. Feeding bearded dragon watermelon or pineapple in extra amount can lead to this symptom, too.

2. Vomiting

Vomiting is a stressful and potentially serious sign for parasites. The digestive tract gets irritated, which causes inflammation and difficulty processing food. This irritation can trigger the gag reflex, leading to vomiting.

Additionally, heavy parasite loads can physically block the digestive system. This can also cause regurgitation of undigested food. Eating onions can cause vomiting in bearded dragon, too. Give them ideal food to prevent these digestive issues.

3. Lethargy

A common symptom of parasite infestation is lethargy. Parasites compete with your bearded dragon for nutrients it needs for energy production. This can leave your dragon feeling sluggish and disinterested in its surroundings. 

The beardie may get weak and inactive. It won’t do much movement and stay in one place. It may prefer to spend most of its time in its basking area. You need to understand these symptoms and take action to save the little reptile. 

4. Droopy Eyes

Healthy bearded dragons have bright, alert eyes. Droopy eyes can indicate dehydration, a common consequence of parasite-induced diarrhea. Their eyes become sunken, less vibrant, and out of regular color. 

Ignoring the symptoms can lead to more severe issues. Sometimes, parasites can directly affect the nervous system and lead to droopy eyelids. Your spiky dragon friend may find difficulty opening the eyes fully in such conditions. 

5. Decreased appetite

A bearded dragon with parasites may experience a decrease in appetite. This can be due to several factors. The irritation caused by parasites can make eating uncomfortable. 

Additionally, parasites can disrupt a bearded dragon’s gut flora too. This leads to nausea and a general sense of malaise that discourages eating. Furthermore, if the parasite load is significant, it can physically limit the space available in the digestive tract for food.

6. Weight loss

Since beardies cannot eat and digest food properly, they suffer from weight loss as well. You must be aware if you notice weight loss in them. Even if the beardie is still eating, this won’t do much to help the lizard. 

Parasites compete for food and contribute to a lack of nutrition. This can lead to muscle wasting and a noticeable decline in body weight. Early detection of weight loss is crucial as it can help take steps for treatment. 

7. Dehydration

Dehydration can occur due to several parasite-related issues. The other symptoms, like diarrhea, vomiting, lack of eating, etc., can lead to dehydration. 

Furthermore, some parasites can directly affect the kidneys. It makes it difficult for the bearded dragon to retain water. Signs of dehydration include:

  • Dry skin
  • Leathery skin
  • Sunken eyes and
  • Reduced urination

8. Issues breathing

While less common, some parasites can affect a bearded dragon’s respiratory system. Parasites like lungworms can migrate to the lungs, causing inflammation, difficulty breathing, and wheezing. 

Though it is not a commonly occurring symptom, it requires immediate attention. Look for these signs in them to identify the problem:

  • Nostrils flare as healthy beardies primarily breathe through their mouths.
  • The mouth is opened for an extended period of time
  • They may gasp for air
  • Adoption to an unusual posture. It can be holding their head high with an extended neck.
  • Making wheezing sounds
  • Change of gum colors that may turn into blue due to a lack of oxygen. 

Treatment of Parasites for Bearded Dragon

Infographic on Treatment of Parasites for Bearded Dragon

Parasites need to be treated with seriousness and urgency. Here are the things you can do to save your pet. 

  • See a vet first and fast. Diagnosing and treating parasites requires a qualified veterinarian. They can identify the specific parasite and prescribe the right medication.
  • Don’t Panic About Microscopic Parasites. Bearded dragons can carry low levels of parasites without showing symptoms. These are usually harmless. The vet will advise if treatment is necessary.
  • It is better to avoid over-the-counter medicines. However, some breeders suggest using probiotics
  • Anti-parasite medication can disrupt gut bacteria. Your vet might recommend probiotics to promote healthy digestion during treatment.
  •  A follow-up fecal test after treatment confirms if the parasites are gone.

How to Prevent Parasite Infection in Bearded Dragons?

“Prevention is better than cure.” – Desiderius Erasmus.

With proper care, you can protect the lizard from parasite infestation in the first place. Here are some important steps you can take:

  • Regularly spot-clean your bearded dragon’s enclosure to remove feces. Change substrate entirely at least quarterly for loose substrates and more often if soiled.
reptile bath
  • Always wash your hands thoroughly before and after handling your bearded dragon and their enclosure. This helps prevent transferring parasites between them and you.
  • Provide a healthy diet of insects gut-loaded with nutritious foods. Consider feeding pre-killed prey items to minimize the risk of parasites.
  • Isolate any new bearded dragons for three months before introducing them to existing ones. This prevents potential parasite transmission.
  • Schedule regular checkups with your veterinarian. They can perform fecal tests to detect parasites early before they cause problems.


Some answers to questions that you may find helpful are mentioned here. 

Can bearded dragons recover from parasites?

Absolutely! With a vet’s help and good care, bearded dragons often bounce back from parasites. Early diagnosis is crucial for a smooth recovery. Check the above-mentioned symptoms to identify the problem on time. 

What is the best parasite medicine for bearded dragons?

There’s no single “best” medicine. Vets prescribe medication based on the specific parasite. Over-the-counter dewormers can be risky, so consult a vet first!

Do all bearded dragons have parasites?

No, not all of them carry harmful parasites. Most bearded dragons carry low levels of parasites, but it’s harmless unless there’s a heavy infestation. Regular vet checkups help monitor and treat if needed. 

What causes parasites in Beardies?

Beardies catch parasites from eating infected feeders. Other reasons can be their contact with other reptiles or a dirty environment. Vets can help prevent and treat infestations. Understanding these reasons will help you save the dragons from catching parasites. 


Being aware of bearded dragon parasite symptoms will help you save your beardies from parasite infestation. Be aware of these symptoms to detect the issue as early as possible. Follow the given instructions, and your pet will come around soon. 

