Can My Bearded Dragons and Cats Be Best Friends?

About 26% of households in the United States have pet cats. This makes them one of the most common and popular species to have as pets. We all know how well they get along with dogs and ducks. But can my bearded dragons and cats be friends? 

Yes, bearded dragons and cats are friends and your supervision. You need to introduce them and keep them on watch to help them get along. Don’t expect them to be buddies on their own naturally. Look for stress signs in your lizard pet, as they usually prefer solitude. 

Both animals can learn to coexist. However, there can be occasional incidents that might discourage them from playing together. Let me help you with all the information I have. 

Key takeaways from the article:

  • Bearded dragons and cats can be friends but it can be risky.
  • Cat should not eat bearded dragons
  • Bearded dragons are not dangerous for cats
  • Beardies actually do not friends
  • The introduction needs to be done patiently

Can Cats and Bearded Dragons Be Best Friends?

Yes, certainly, they can be friends. Both cats and bearded dragons are adorable and tolerant. They have a friendly nature towards their owners. If you seem to care about them, they will also begin to care about each other. Nonetheless, it does not mean that there can be troubles. 

Cats are natural predators and often become incredibly naughty. Your cat may consider the reptile as a new food. That is why your presence is essential when they play. I kept my two pets on watch for the first month and relaxed a bit only when they started to enjoy each other’s presence. 

This friendship requires a systematic approach. Don’t force friendship on them. Instead, let them find the spark between them and become buddies. 

Reasons Why Bearded Dragons and Cats Be Friends

There are multiple reasons why these two animals can be friends. Though they belong to two different animal classes, they can still be friends. They have a lot in common, which boosts their friendship. 

1. Beardies Are Not Natural Food for Cats

Humans cannot eat bearded dragons, nor can cats. These reptiles contain salmonella bacteria that can be injurious to your pet. Besides, domestic cats often give up on their predator instinct to some extent. They may not attack the reptile at first sight. This is your chance to convince the cat that the dragon is a friend, not a food. 

2. They Are Both Friendly

Do I even need to talk about it? Cats are one of the friendliest animals on planet Earth. They show affection, love, and care for their owners. You can find tons of videos online showing how loyal they are to their owners. 

And when it comes to bearded dragons, they are also friendly. They may not show affection in the same way cats do, but they are still very friendly. Beardies do not attack other animals, except if it is a bug or insect. 

The docile nature of these two animals helps build a relationship between them. Beardies may enjoy the warmth of cats’ bodies, while cats may want to play the protector role for the lizard. 

3. They Can Both Be Affectionate

Cat and bearded dragon share a cozy spot on a bed.

As I mentioned already, both these pets show affection. Beardies may lick the cat to show its interest in knowing the cat, while cats may do the same. Cats are cuddlers and huggers. Some beardies may enjoy this move for the warmth of cats’ bodies. 

You can have both your pets near you. Maybe let the cat sit on your lap and the beardie on your shoulder. It will make them comfortable with each other’s presence. 

4. They Can Both Be Tolerant of Other Animals

Cats usually don’t get offended by the presence of other animals in the house. They are happy with you as long as you do not forget their meal time. Yet, some cats can be different. Some are aggressive and may not tolerate the presence of other pets. In that case, don’t let the cat go near the beardie for some time. 

Bearded dragons, on the other hand, don’t much bother about other animals. They live in solitary and enjoy themselves. If the cat shows care and affection, they may become interested in them and return the affection, too. The initial ice-breaking is the key to success. 

How to Introduce a Cat to a Bearded Dragon?

Cat rests on top of a yellow lizard on a window sill.

You just can’t let the cat enter the beardy’s enclosure. Nope! This is surely not a good idea. You can’t let the beardie sit on a cat’s head in their first meeting, either. It has to be done in a gentle and patient way. Here is how to do it:

1. Get Your Beardie from a Reputable Breeder

The first step is to get your beardie from a good breeder. Find a reputable breeder with a good review. Choose a baby dragon that looks healthy, happy, and active. If the beardie is exposed to torture or stress, it may not trust other animals. Therefore, getting a dragon that was raised carefully is crucial. 

2. Maintain Control of Both Animals

Let both your pets come closer. Initially, they may just stare at each other. This is the most crucial time. Your presence is a must in the beginning. Don’t let them have any alone time. It can result in unwanted consequences. 

Additionally, you should only introduce them when both pets are somewhat trained. Make sure they listen to you, especially the cat. Even bearded dragons can be trained. It will allow you to separate them if things do not go the planned way. 

3. Have Patience

My cat and beardie did not get along in their first meeting. It ended up with the cat purring and the reptile making different hissing noises. It took a few weeks actually to calm both of them and turn them into friends. 

Therefore, having patience is a must. Forcing friendship won’t work well. Giving up on the first try is not a healthy practice either. You need to have patience and give it to them so that they learn to get along.  

Look Out for These Things

A Siamese cat with bright blue eyes relaxes in a patch of green grass.

Before you decide, “Now is the time,” you need to ensure a few things. Look for the following behaviors of your pets and then make a call. 

  • Hunting: Cats are natural hunters. They are quick and on target when it comes to catching prey. Still, many household cats become too reliant on their owners. They don’t want to hunt or kill and prefer to lie down. Introducing the lizard to such cats is easier and safer. 
  • Stress: You must educate yourself about the stress signs in bearded dragons and cats. If they show any sign of stress in each other’s presence, don’t push it. They do not need to be buddies. 
  • Health: Ensure both of your pets are healthy. Beardies are often ideal carriers for salmonella. They may contain and spread the bacteria to cats. Though salmonella does not harm beardies, it can surely harm you and your cat. 

Differences Between Domestic Bearded Dragons and Cats

Bearded dragons and cats are not natural buddies. Along with all the similarities, they possess some differences, too. Weigh these differences when considering making them friends. 

1. Communication Gap

A white cat and a lizard side-by-side on a pink background

Bearded dragons and cats are two different animals, after all. Heck, they don’t even belong to the same class. While bearded dragons are reptiles, cats are mammals. This difference sets the communication between the two. 

While cats show their affection through hugging and licking, beardies like to avoid being physical. They may bob or nod their heads. That’s how much they do. One of them can misunderstand the other’s gesture and can get involved in a fight or chase. 

2. Prey vs. Predator

Cats are predators, even if they are domesticated. Their agile body with good vision and reflexes make them great hunters in the wild. This instinct often gets reduced drastically in captivity. Still, they are predators. They can take the beardie as a new potential prey. The small size of beardies is always a risk for them. 

3. Differences In Habitat

Cats and beardies need different habitats. They cannot live in the same place peacefully. Cats can adapt to various situations. However, beardies are exothermic and need to be in a warmer condition. 

Keep an eye on your cat so that it does not jump into its new friend’s enclosure. The UVB light can burn the cat. It can also cause harm to them. Let them have some fun under sunlight so that they can enjoy basking together. 

Is Cat Saliva Toxic to Bearded Dragons?

Cat saliva is not toxic to humans or bearded dragons. However, it still poses a significant risk. Cat saliva harbors bacteria and enzymes that a bearded dragon’s body is not equipped to handle. Even a minor scratch or bite from a cat can introduce these pathogens to beardies. 

The immune system of bearded dragons is not as strong as of mammals. Therefore, minor infections can be fatal. Especially if it is induced by cats, this can even lead to death. 

Teach your cat to behave gently with a beardie. They are vulnerable to cats, so they should not be bitten. 

a screenshot

The gram-negative bacteria in cats’ claws are quite dangerous for beardies because of their poor immune system. You must immediately take it to a vet if it gets scratched. Remember that such bacteria are fatal for any reptile. The bottom line is cats can kill your bearded dragon. 

Can A Bearded Dragon Kill A Cat? 

No, a bearded dragon cannot kill a cat. Though bearded dragons are omnivores and lack the size and strength to overpower a cat. Their bites are harmless to cats.

The real danger comes from the cat. Cats are natural predators, and a bearded dragon is the perfect size for prey. Even a playful swat from a cat could injure or kill a bearded dragon. Therefore, you must be careful when introducing them. 

What to Do if Your Cat Eats a Bearded Dragon?

A curious cat and bearded dragon sit side-by-side on a table

Here is a thing. If you are sure about the cat-eating bearded dragons, there is nothing you can do about the beardie. It’s all over for him unless you have a time machine. But now it is time to focus on the cat. 

No, I am talking about punishing the pussy cat. 

Bearded dragons are not safe for cats to eat. 

So, take prompt action to save your pet cat. Here are the things you need to do:

  • Call your veterinarian immediately. Explain the situation and follow their guidance.
  • Remove any remaining bearded dragon from your cat’s reach to prevent further ingestion.
  • Monitor your cat closely for the next 24-48 hours. Watch for vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, or loss of appetite. These could indicate digestive issues or parasite infection.
  • Don’t hesitate to take the cat to a vet upon noticing any bad symptoms. 

Shall I Attempt to Make My Cat and Beardie to be Friends?

Well, bearded dragons do not need friends. They naturally live in drylands of Australia. There they live in solitary and do not even pair up except for breeding season. These reptiles enjoy solitude and do not need a companion. 

Cats, on the other hand, get along with other animals with ease. They become friends with dogs, ducks, and other birds. However, they can also live alone. These mammals won’t get bored in your household as long as you are giving them enough food. They will be happy and can occasionally go out to play with other cat friends. 

So, the fact is, cats and beardies do not have to be friends. Just teach them to coexist. Make sure the cat is not jumping and trying to get inside the beardies’ enclosure. If you are highly enthusiastic and have trained your pets, only then can you try to make them friends. 


Some questions that are frequently asked about bearded dragons and cats are given below.

Do bearded dragons get along with cats?

Bearded dragons and cats can coexist, but supervised interaction is crucial. Cats often see them as prey. Therefore, keep them separate and prioritize the bearded dragon’s safety. Only let them get together when you are present. Don’t leave them alone together even for a minute. 

What happens if a cat bites a bearded dragon?

A cat bite, even minor, can be serious for a bearded dragon. Infection is a big risk. Take your beardie to a vet immediately for wound care and antibiotics. Cats’ claws and saliva often contain germs and bacteria that are fatal for bearded dragons. 

Are bearded dragons scared of cats?

Yes, bearded dragons are likely scared of cats. Cats are natural predators. Their size and quick movements would be threatening to a lizard. However, if your beardie is a grown-up and a big one, you can introduce them as friends under strict supervision.

Can bearded dragons have cat food? 

No, cat food is not good for bearded dragons. It lacks the calcium they need and has too much protein and fat for their diet. Stick to insects and veggies! You can offer them fruits and flowers as occasional treats as well. But not cat food. 


So, bearded dragons and cats can be friends. It is a high risk, though. I don’t see any particular reason to make them friends. Still, if you are too enthusiastic to see them play together, let them meet with proper caution. The safety of your bearded dragon should be the primary concern here. 

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