Can Bearded Dragons Eat Carrots: Benefits, Risks, and How to Feed

As a reptile enthusiast myself, I often wonder what to feed my bearded dragons. I have a chart of his regular diet. However, he loves it to have some occasional variations. It can be a new fruit, a new insect, or a new vegetable. Just like you, it occurred to me, “Can bearded dragons eat carrots?”

Yes, bearded dragons can eat carrots as an occasional treat. The vegetable is a good source of water, calcium, and vitamin C. This helps them have stronger bones, stronger immune system, and increases their food consumption. Overfeeding is not safe for them, though. 

Feeding these reptiles in the right manner is important. I won’t be able to forgive myself if any harm is done to your beloved pet while feeding carrots. So, please take a moment to read the full blog to get detailed knowledge.

Are Carrots Safe for Bearded Dragons?

Yes, carrots are one of the safest vegetables for bearded dragons. My beardie loves it when I give it to them. Raw carrots are basically almost 90% water. It has a very low amount of sodium and sugar, which are not beneficial for your reptile friend. 

Raw carrots are very hard and can be a choking hazard for dragons. So, I always cook the carrots first to soften them up. I’ll steam or boil carrot chunks or carrot baby food until they are soft but not mushy. Beardies do not like their food being mushy. 

Carrots are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. But remember that they contain sugar. Reptiles, whether they are snakes, turtles, or bearded dragons, do not need sugar. It is rather harmful to them. Therefore, I only give my bearded dragon carrots as a treat a couple of times a week. 

In short, yes, carrots can be a healthy part of a bearded dragon’s diet. Just make sure to prepare them properly and feed them the right amount. Include other fruits and insects, such as mice, crickets, etc., in their diet as well. 

Nutritional Value of Carrots

Let’s have a quick look at the food value of carrots. It may impress you to add the veggie to your pet’s diet. 

NutritionAmount per 100g
Water88.3 g
Energy41 kcal
Protein0.93 g
Fiber2.8 g
Total Sugars4.74 g
Calcium33 mg
Vitamin C2.2 mg
Vitamin A 872 mg
Sodium69 mg

Benefits of Eating Carrots for Bearded Dragons

Carrots are not just going to make your pet feel full. Instead, bearded dragons may enjoy several benefits from the incorporation of veg into their diet. 


1. Keeps Them Dehydrated

Hydration is an important condition for a healthy bearded dragon. Dehydration can lead to many health issues, such as:

  • Saliva that forms durable strands
  • Skin wrinkles
  • Sunken eyes
  • Doughy abdomen

Carrots are a good source of water and ensure proper water supply to your pet. They remain hydrated, healthy, and active. That is what makes a pet owner happy, doesn’t it?

2. Fiber Content in Carrots

Though not in large amounts, carrots still offer some amount of fiber. This nutrient improves their digestive system and promotes eating habits. Lack of fiber in their body can lead to constipation. 

Carrots maintain a proper balance between water and fiber in their body. Feeding them this vegetable may promote overall gut health and a better digestive system. They will show a balanced appetite for food. 

3. Reptiles Get Essential Calcium

Calcium is a vital mineral for bearded dragons. It makes their bones stronger and helps maintain their posture. A 100g carrot serving can provide 33 mg of calcium to your reptile pet. This much is enough for their little bodies. 

Adding carrots to their diet ensures they are not going to suffer from calcium deficiency. A lack of minerals can cause several issues. For instance, 

  • Soft or rubbery jawbones
  • Difficulty in moving, especially limbs
  • Tremors or twitching
  • Poor appetite
  • Weakness or lethargy
  • Swollen or deformed limbs
  • Seizures, etc.

4. Improves the Immune System

Having a stronger immune system means your pet is less vulnerable to diseases and viruses. The presence of vitamin C makes it a good option to add to their diet to strengthen their immune system. 

Vitamin C improves the immune system of your reptiles. They remain safe from various germs and bacteria. Carrots contain 2.2 mg of vitamin C in every 100g, which is close to grapes, a safe fruit for bearded dragons.

How to Serve Carrots to Bearded Dragons?

Here is an important question. How to give carrots to bearded dragons so that they can enjoy. Well, here is what I do. Follow these simple instructions:

Feeding Carrots to bearded dragons
  • Collect fresh vegetables and wash them properly.
  • Opt for cooked carrots instead of raw ones. They can have the raw ones, though.
  • Steam or boil carrot chunks until soft but not mush
  • Let cooked carrots cool completely before feeding. Don’t feed hot.
  • Only feed bite-sized pieces, not large chunks or whole baby carrots.
  • Feed carrots sparingly, 1-2 times per week as a treat. Too much can cause diarrhea.
  • Carrots should not be a staple veggie. Focus diet on leafy greens like collard, mustard, etc., and other fruits and insects.
  • Remove uneaten carrot pieces within 24 hours to prevent spoilage.

How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat Carrots?

As a treat, I’ll offer my beardie some bite-sized cooked carrot pieces 1 or 2 times per week. More than that, it can lead to diarrhea since carrots have natural sugars. I mix just a few carrot chunks in with the leafy greens and veggies that make up the bulk of his balanced diet.

Carrots shouldn’t be an everyday food but rather a supplement to add some variety a couple of times a week. I adjust the amount based on my dragon’s age and appetite. Just a few pieces is plenty since too much carrot can impact digestion. 

Are There Any Risks Of Feeding Carrots to Bearded Dragons?

No, there are no risks of feeding carrots to bearded dragons as long as you are not overfeeding. Feeding too many carrots does have some consequences. 

1. Vitamin A Toxicity

Although vitamin A is an essential nutrient for reptiles, too much of it is not safe. Bearded dragons need them in a small amount. When there is an extra amount of vitamin A in bearded dragons, it starts absorbing calcium. This can lead to calcium deficiency. 

Regular loss of calcium leads to osteoporosis. Their bones get weaker, and they may get slower. Therefore, avoid feeding them carrots regularly to avoid vitamin A excessiveness. 

2. Large Amounts of Oxalates

The oxalates are safe for bearded dragons and other reptiles in small amounts. The extra amount can be harmful. Carrots are rich in different kinds of oxalates. Feeding them vegetables regularly can lead to several issues. They may suffer from the presence of oxalic acids. It may affect their bone structure and make them vulnerable. 

3. They May Lose Appetite

This is a common issue with any food if you want to feed them an extra amount. My beardie gets stubborn to eat the same food multiple times, even if it is strawberries. It is, therefore, important to maintain a variation of their diet to ensure proper food consumption for them.  

Can Bearded Dragons Eat All Kinds of Carrots?

What carrots are the best for reptiles or bearded dragons? Almost all of them. They contain almost similar nutrition. 

  • Whether it is yellow, orange, or purple. All carrots are safe for bearded dragons, and they offer a similar amount of nutrition. 
  • You can feed both raw or cooked carrots. Remember that the cooked one may lose some of its nutritional value.
  • Both baby and large carrots are safe for them. However, I personally prefer the larger ones. Baby carrots are often exposed to preservatives, which can be harmful to your pet. 

What Other Vegetables Can You Feed to Your Reptile?

Bearded dragons are omnivores and can eat a wide variety of vegetables. Check the below table to get an overall idea.

KaleBell peppers
Collard greensButternut squash
Mustard greensZucchini
SpinachAcorn squash
Bok choyGreen beans
Swiss chardPumpkin
Dandelion greensSweet potatoes
Turnip greensCabbage


Here are some common questions I often get asked about my reptile eating carrots. 

1. Can Bearded Dragons Eat Carrot Tops? 

Yes, bearded dragons can have carrot tops. This one is safe for them. It contains some sort of nutrition as well. Make sure to wash them properly before giving it to your pet. Cut them into small pieces to avoid choking. 

2. Can Baby Bearded Dragons Eat Carrots?

Yes, baby dragons can eat carrots as well. However, cooked carrots are better and safer for them than raw ones. Raw carrots can lead to choking and other issues. Cooked carrots are soft and, hence, are easy for reptiles to eat and digest. 

3. Can Bearded Dragons Eat Carrot Skin?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat the skin of carrots along with the tops and fleshy parts. The skin of the vegetable is very thin, so beardies face no issues in eating them. Nonetheless, washing them properly in freshwater is a must. Also, try to collect them from a credible source that does not use preservatives. 

4. Can Bearded Dragons Eat Carrots Raw?

Yes, bearded dragons enjoy eating raw carrots. The hard yet juicy vegetable is their favorite. Don’t forget to cut them into small amounts to ensure beardies are not going to get choked. 

5. Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cooked Carrots?

Cooked carrots are safer options for beardies. The only issue with them is that cooked carrots lose some of their nutrition. Unless your pet is too small, you had better give them raw carrots. Avoid seasoning in case you are cooking. 


I believe the above discussion has cleared your confusion regarding “Can bearded dragons eat carrots?” Yes, they can eat any kind of carrots, including the baby ones. You need to be careful about the right feeding method and amount. Hopefully, your beardies will love carrots, and they will enjoy all the benefits this colorful veg has to offer.