Can Bearded Dragons Eat Dandelion Greens Or Will They Get High?

You just plucked some dandelions to have tea and suddenly noticed that your beardie has gone all crazy for them? This happens a lot to me, too. I believe all bearded dragons show interest in dandelions. But the question is, “Can bearded dragons eat dandelion greens?”

Yes, bearded dragons can eat dandelion green and flowers, but not the stems or puffs. The greens are actually beneficial for your reptile pet and can be fed on a daily basis. It contains water, protein, calcium, and some vitamin A. Just make sure they are free from chemicals. 

Let me help you with a detailed explanation of why they can only use some parts of the plant. And how to feed it to them. 

What Is Dandelion Green and Its Food Nutrition

Dandelion puffs and dandelion leaves and greens

Dandelion is often considered a weed. But this bright yellow flowering plant is more than a weed. Packed with vitamins and minerals, dandelions are used in teas, salads, and coffees. It is a safe human food. But what about the reptile beard?

Dandelion green is indeed safe for bearded dragons. It is not only safe but also very beneficial. Let’s have a look at the nutrition profile of Dandelion green.

Water85.6 g
Energy45 kcal
Protein2.7 g
Fiber3.5 g
Calcium187 mg
Phosphorus66 mg
Sodium76 mg
Vitamin A508 µg
Vitamin K778 µg

How to Serve Dandelion Leaves to Your Dragon?

Yellow dandelion flower

Is it difficult to feed dandelions to beardies? Absolutely not. The reptiles get excited to eat them from the sight. However, following some rules is crucial for their safety. Here is an ideal way to feed bearded dragons dandelion greens. 

  • Pick Pristine Plants: Choose dandelions from areas free of pesticides, herbicides, or heavy traffic pollution. Avoid dandelions growing near sidewalks or driveways.
  • Wash Meticulously: Rinse the leaves thoroughly in clean water to remove dirt, insects, or any lingering contaminants.
  • Separate the Stems: Discard the tough stem as it can be difficult to digest.
  • Size Matters: For smaller dragons, chop or tear the dandelion leaves into bite-sized pieces. It reduces choking hazard risk.
  • Serving: You can offer the dandelion greens on their own. But if you are willing, mix them with calcium-rich greens and make a salad. 

Benefits of Dandelion Greens for Bearded Dragons

Bearded dragons need different nutrition to stay healthy. Adding dandelion greens to their diet is a good step to fulfill that. Here are the benefits of dandelion feeding greens to bearded dragons. 

1. Offers Protein

Protein is one of the most important food nutrients that every animal needs. That does not exclude your lizard pets. 

Bearded dragons usually eat insects to get their proteins. However, sometimes, beardies may not want to worm, or they may get bored of the same food. Adding dandelion can be a variation and also a good source of protein. 

Protein is also essential for growth. If your bearded dragon is not growing, it needs more protein-filled diet. Dandelions can help in this case.

2. Rich in Calcium

Dandelion greens contain a good amount of calcium, a crucial mineral. It helps develop and maintain strong bones, teeth, and their jaw muscles. Without enough calcium, they may suffer from different health issues, especially soft bones. 

3. More Calcium than Phosphorus

This is the best science bit. Phosphorus is another mineral found in dandelions. However, too much phosphorus can actually hinder calcium absorption. The good news is that dandelion greens have a calcium-to-phosphorus ratio that favors calcium.

This means the calcium in the dandelion leaves is more readily available for your bearded dragon to utilize. It ensures the calcium you are offering them they can absorb and get the best out of it. 

4. Help in Preventing Metabolic Bone Disease

MBD is a serious condition that weakens bones and can lead to deformities. The risk of fractures increases, and they find it difficult to move. Providing them with dandelions can help them gain calcium and reduce the risk of MBD. 

5. Maintains a Variety

Having a bearded dragon as a pet is a good experience. The only thing people often complain about is that these reptiles are often very choosy. They may not want to eat the same food on a regular basis. 

Variation is a must. 

Having dandelions as an option makes it easier. Give it alternatively with other foods like raspberries, strawberries, and grapes

6. Easy to Find

A great relief this is!

Yes, bearded dragons need a variety of food to stay healthy. Feeding them the same food can lead to various issues, including the fact that they may not like to eat regularly. That is why variation is important. 

But it is difficult! Yes, you will find it difficult to find food for them regularly. Dandelion is a commonly grown plant. No need to buy them. It helps you save some money as well. 

7. Encourages Beardies to Eat

Bearded dragons are often difficult to feed. The problem is worse when you do not have enough living insect supply. Offering dandelions in such conditions is a solution. They willingly eat the greens and show interest in it immensely. 

How Often Should I Feed Dandelions to Bearded Dragons?

A Bearded dragon standing on four legs

A big question about any food for bearded dragons is how often to feed it. Hopefully, we are still talking about dandelion greens. 

These greens are so safe and nutritious that they can be fed daily. Just don’t forget to add other vegetables, fruits, and insects occasionally to ensure they are not eating the same food only. 

Observe the reaction of the lizard. Is it still showing interest in dandelion? Feed them, then. 

If bearded dragons are not interested in eating the greens sometimes, don’t force them. Give them a break from the greens, and they will eat it a few days later again.

What Other Pet Owners Are Saying?

Why would you only listen to me? This is the question of the welfare of your best buddy. I would not even accept a random suggestion. So, let’s show you a glimpse of the discussion regarding dandelions and bearded dragons across various platforms like Quora, Reddit, and other forums. 

What Other Vegetables Can Bearded Dragons Eat?

Here is a list of other safe vegetables for your beardies:

1. Staple vegetables (can be fed daily):

  • Collard greens
  • Mustard greens
  • Turnip greens
  • Dandelion greens
  • Cactus pad (prickly pear)
  • Endive or escarole
  • Bok choy

2. Occasional vegetables (can be fed 2-3 times a week):

  • Kale 
  • Swiss chard
  • Acorn squash
  • Butternut squash
  • Spaghetti squash
  • Bell peppers (red, orange, yellow)
  • Carrots
  • Zucchini
  • Yellow squash

3. Vegetables to offer rarely (as a treat):

  • Celery
  • Cucumber
  • Beets
  • Broccoli
  • Corn

Note: This is not an exhaustive list, but it includes some of the most common and nutritious vegetables for bearded dragons. 


Here are a few more common confusion and their solution for you regarding bearded dragons and dandelions. 

1. Can Bearded Dragons Eat Dandelion Puffs? 

Dandelion puffs

Nope! Dandelion puffs are just seeds with minimal nutrients. They aren’t harmful but offer no benefit to your bearded dragon’s diet. Stick to the leaves and flowers! Feeding them may fill the lizard’s stomach, and they won’t eat other nutritious food. This can lead to a lack of nutrition. 

2. Can Bearded Dragons Eat Dandelion Stems?

Bearded dragons should avoid dandelion stems. The milky sap inside can irritate their stomach. Stick to the flower heads and chopped leaves for safe and yummy bearded dragon snacks! The stems are not the ones they crave for.  

3. Can Bearded Dragons Eat Wild Dandelions?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat wild dandelions! Just make sure they are from a pesticide-free area to avoid any toxins. Wash them well before offering them to your dragon. Chemicals containing dandelions must be avoided. 

4. Can Bearded Dragons Eat Dandelion Flowers? 

Bearded dragons can enjoy dandelion flowers as an occasional treat! However, offer them sparingly and remove the stem first. The flower head itself is a safe and colorful addition to their diet.

5. Can bearded dragons eat weeds? 

Some weeds are safe for bearded dragons, like dandelions! But be cautious with others. Always research a specific weed before feeding it to your bearded dragon to avoid toxicity.


Bearded dragons can indeed eat dandelion greens. It is safe for them and nothing to worry about. However, be cautious about the other parts of the plant. Dandelion leaves are a good addition to their diet, and they can lead healthy lives because of them. But feeding them only dandelions is not good either. Give them a variety of food, including dandelion greens as well. 

