Can Bearded Dragons Eat Dragon Fruit: Safety, Risks, and Instructions

Can bearded dragons eat dragon fruit? Is it too childing a question to think of while eating dragon fruit? I don’t think so, especially if you have a pet bearded dragon. Their curious nature will provoke you to think this. 

Yes, bearded dragons can eat dragon fruit in a small amount. Like any other fruit, it is not safe to eat regularly because of its high sugar content. Consuming in a safe amount can be beneficial for them as it serves them. However, regular feeding may lead to digestive and other health issues. 

It is important to be cautious while adding any fruit to beardie’s diet. Let me help you with instructions that work perfectly fine for my reptile. 

Nutrition Profile of Dragon Fruit

Is dragon fruit nutritious? I am not a doctor, so I can’t give a direct answer. However, I did detailed research before feeding the fruit to my dragon. Check the below table:

Nutrient Amount per 100 g
Water84 g
Energy57 kcal
Protein0.36 g
Fiber3.1 g
Sugar9.75 g
Potassium116 mg
Phosphorus12 mg
Calcium9 mg
Vitamin C4.3 mg
Dragon fruit

Benefits of Eating Dragon Fruits for Bearded Dragons

Now, the question is, “Should you give dragon fruits to bearded dragons?” I do it. Maybe you can do that as well unless you are already feeding the lizard other fruits. Here are some major benefits of adding dragon fruit to their diet. 

1. Keeps the Reptile Hydration

Hydration is important for bearded dragons. Lack of water in the body can lead to several health issues. Check the above table again, and you will see that the fruit is about 85% water content.

I occasionally give the fruit to my lizard, especially during the warmer days. The water content of the fruit helps him stay hydrated during hot days. Without enough water consumption, their skin may get dried, their eyes get sunken, and they may feel weak. However, you still need to give them water along with dragon fruit. 

2. Keeps Them Healthy

Bearded dragons can get some healthy and important nutrients from bearded dragons. It will keep them healthy by boosting their immune system. The fruit contains protein, vitamin C, and antioxidants. These properties contribute to improving the immune system and reduce the impact of free radicals. 

3. Boosts Digestion Ability

Dragon fruits contain fiber, a vital compound that helps beadie’s digestion. Does your bearded dragon deal with tummy troubles? All that protein-rich feed can clog up their system. Try adding some colorful dragon fruit as a tasty treat!

The pulp and juice will get that sluggish digestion fired up. The fluids help flush things through faster to relieve constipation. 

4. Other Helpful Nutrients

Though not a nutritious powerhouse, dragon fruit is still believed to be a good food. They have different minerals along with fiber, water, and protein. Besides, it has vitamins B and C in small amounts. These vitamins and minerals are also necessary for bearded dragons to stay healthy and active. 

How to Feed Dragon Fruits to Bearded Dragons?

Yes, dragon fruits are beneficial for dragon reptiles, but only if you can maintain a balance. Feeding too much can be harmful. What is the right way to feed them? Follow these steps. 

  • As usual, choose fresh fruits without pesticides. 
  • Wash them properly to ensure no pesticides and dirt remain. 
  • Peel off the skin and chop the fruit into small pieces. 
  • Take a small piece and give it to your lizard. You can also hold it in your hand and let the dragon eat. Keep an eye that the dragon is not choking or taking too big a bite for its size. 
  • Keep fresh water nearby. The fruit may have a good amount of water, but they still need fresh water. 
  • Feed them not more than a small piece equal to your thumb in a month. 
  • Don’t force them to eat if they are not interested. But I believe they will like the fruit, just like the beardie in the video. 

Potential Risks of Dragons for Bearded Dragons

Along with the benefits, there are some potential risks of feeding dragon fruit to dragon lizards. That is why I have been telling you to follow a balanced routine. Otherwise, there are some chances of harmful effects, such as:

  •  Dragons fruits are high in sugar, containing more than 9% of their net weight.
  •  The fruit has small seeds which are difficult to remove. But these seeds are high in fatty acids. Too much acidic content is not safe for the digestion system of reptiles.
  • Dragon fruits contain higher amounts of phosphorus than calcium. It disrupts the balance between minerals like calcium and phosphorus. This is not good for these reptiles. The higher amount of phosphorus leads to reduced consumption of calcium and affects bone health. It may also lead to fragile bones, limb paralysis, and stunted growth. `

What Other Fruits Can Bearded Dragons Have?

Bearded dragons are curious eaters. They eat various fruits, along with dragon fruits. Here are some of the safe fruits for them.

Safe fruits for bearded dragons
  • Banana
  • Apple, including green apple
  • Strawberry
  • Raspberry
  • Kiwi
  • Grapes
  • Watermelon, etc. 

However, you need to avoid fruits like jackfruits. The fruit is high in sugar and is not safe. Additionally, give them other foods as well, such as insects like mice, crickets, worms, etc. 


Check on the following questions and see if they erase your confusion. 

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Dragon Fruit’s Seeds?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat dragon fruit’s seeds. It does not contain any harmful chemicals except for some acids. However, limit the consumption of the seeds to make sure the digestive system is not annoyed. 

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Dragon Fruit Skin?

No, avoid feeding the skin of the fruit to your lizard. The safety of the fruit is debatable. The skin is nutritious, but it is rough and may lead to potential choking hazards. It’s safe to avoid feeding them the skin. 

How Often Should I Feed Dragon Fruit To My Beardie?

You need to maintain a balance and keep the fruit serving in check. Too many fruits, whether they are dragon fruits or others, are not safe for the health of the reptile. I suggest not feeding more than one small piece equal to an ice cube. 

The Bottom Line

I hope I have solved your puzzle regarding “Can bearded dragons eat dragon fruit?” The bottom line is they can, but in a small amount. The acidic and sugary content is concerning, and they need other foods as well. Maintain a good balance among fruits, vegetables, and animal-based foods.