Can Bearded Dragons Eat Jackfruit: Discover Yourself

Eating something new and thinking if my pet can also have it is a common habit of pet parents. This tendency is more vivid when you have a pet, like beardies, who are omnivores. But can bearded dragons eat jackfruit?

No, bearded dragons cannot eat jackfruit. Though the fruit is delicious and not toxic, it is still not safe for them. The fruit is high in sugar content, which makes it unsuitable for reptiles. It can cause several digestive issues, including diarrhea.

I know it is hard to believe that such tasty food is not good for your pet. But for the sake of their health, you need to control your temptation. 

Key points of the article:

  • Bearded dragons cannot eat jackfruit.
  • While the fruit is not toxic to them, it is high in sugar and can cause digestive issues, including diarrhea.
  • Additionally, it can hamper the calcium to phosphorus ratio in their bodies, which can lead to metabolic bone disease.

Food Value of Jackfruit

Jackfruit could be a good addition for bearded dragons unless it was so full of sugar. Have a look at the below table. 

Food NutrientAmounts per 100 g 
Water73.5 g
Energy95 kcal
Protein1.72 g
Fiber1.5 g
Total Sugars19.1 g
Calcium24 mg
Calcium24 mg
Phosphorus21 mg
Vitamin C13.7 mg

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Jackfruit: Why Not?

You will agree that the fruit has a good taste. But taste is not the ultimate factor in judging food, is it? 

Bearded dragons cannot eat jackfruit

1. Jackfruit Has High Amount of Sugar

Bearded dragons are reptiles, and it means they do not need sugar. Sugar is quite harmful to them. This is the primary reason not to feed them chocolate or ice cream. Anyway, look for other safer fruits that contain less sugar. 

2. Hampers Calcium to Phosphorus Ratio

It is important to maintain a balanced ratio between calcium and phosphorus for beardies. The ideal calcium-phosphorus ratio is approximately 2:1. However, jackfruit contains almost the same amount of calcium and phosphorus. Consuming the fruit can affect the balance in beardies. 

This imbalance can cause several health issues, such as:

  • Metabolic bone disease is the most concerning consequence. It disrupts bone development and deforms bones, causing lethargy and muscle weakness. It can be life-threatening if left untreated. 
  • Calcium is essential for the young lizards to grow bones. However, high phosphorus intake hinders calcium absorption. This way, it affects their overall growth and development. 
  • High phosphorus intake can cause potential damage to the kidney in the long run. 

3. Low Nutrition Profile

I mean, why would you even want to feed it in the first place? The fruit is tasty but low in nutrition for them. It contains very low amounts of vitamins. Even the water content is not high either.

In warmer seasons, opt for more watery fruits like strawberry, raspberry, etc. They contain sugar in a more limited amount. 

4. Jackfruit Is Not A Common Fruit Either

Jackfruit is native to southern India. He is often referred to as the “King of India.” In the USA, you are not going to find them so easily. They may be pricey, too. Many better options are readily available to feed dragons. 

What Fruits Can Bearded Dragons Eat?

So, Jackfruit is a no-no, but you have other fruit options. The following fruits are safe for them.

Different fruits for bearded dragons
  • Tomato
  • Banana
  • Green apples
  • Blueberries
  • Strawberries
  • Mangoes
  • Papayas
  • Grapes
  • Watermelon
  • Kiwi
  • Cantaloupe
  • Pineapple
  • Peaches
  • Pears
  • Blackberries

What Other Foods Can Bearded Dragons Have?

Fruits are not the only thing they can consume. It is not recommended either to feed them only fruits. You have to maintain a balanced diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, and animal-based fruits. 

VegetablesAnimal-Based Foods
Collard GreensDubia Roaches
Mustard GreensCrickets
Dandelion GreensMealworms
Turnip GreensHornworms
Butternut SquashEarthworms
Acorn SquashPinky Mice (small)
Bell PeppersFrozen Mice (thawed)
CarrotsPhoenix Worms


Here is some more information regarding your lizard pet’s diet and jackfruit. 

Can bearded dragons eat jackfruit seeds?

No, bearded dragons should not be fed jackfruit seeds. The seeds are rough and difficult to digest in raw forms. This may lead to choking hazards. Besides, they are not nutritious either. 

Can I feed jackfruit peel to my bearded dragon?

No, you must not feed jackfruit peel to your bearded dragon. The peel can be tough and difficult to digest. Stick to softer fruits and vegetables to ensure your dragon’s well-being. Always provide a balanced and varied diet for optimal health.

Can bearded dragons have jackfruit leaves?

Yes, but in a very small amount and only if no pesticides were used. It is difficult to be sure of pesticide-free jackfruit leaves. Besides, there can be choking hazards for baby beardies. It is better to avoid the leaves. 

Will bearded dragons want to eat jackfruit?

Beardies are curious animals and omnivorous. They may want to have some of it if you offer. Nonetheless, you must not offer the fruit in the first place. It is not safe for them to consume such high-sugary fruit. 


Bearded dragons can have a lot of other fruits other than jackfruits. I suggest you should avoid this one. The fruit is high in sugar content and does not offer other nutrients in high volume either. Then why take the risk? For more queries regarding dragons’ diet, check other articles. All the best!