Can Bearded Dragons Eat Kiwi: Is It Safe for Them?

You are eating sweet, fresh kiwis and your lizard friend is staring at you? I can say from my experience that it is not a rare experience for bearded dragon owners. This reptile is very curious when it comes to food. But can bearded dragons eat kiwi?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat kiwi, and it’s a good occasional treat for them. The fruit has a good nutrition profile that can boost the health of your scaly reptiles. It contains water, protein, calcium, phosphorus, etc., essential food nutrients that are crucial for them. 

But how will you feed it to them? They obviously can eat the way you do. Let me share how I feed my lizard. 

Key points of the article:

How Much Can Bearded Dragons Eat Kiwi?

peeled kiwi fruits on a plate

Not more than one or two slices a month. Yes, that is the limit for your pet when it comes to eating kiwi. The fruit might be a good change for their taste, but it contains sugar. Besides, fruits are usually not good for bearded dragons.

Bearded dragons can eat various kinds of fruits. However, none of those fruits can be their primary food. In fact, they do not need to eat fruits at all. These reptiles are native to the Australian drylands, where they have access to no fruits and can still survive very well.

Hence, kiwi can be given to bearded dragons only as an occasional treat. Don’t overdo it, as it can be harmful to these lizards.

Nutrition Profile of Kiwi

Let’s have a quick look at the food value of kiwi. This will help you make a decision. 

NutrientsAmount per 100g
Water83.1 g
Protein1.14 g
Total Sugars8.99 g
Fiber3 g
Vitamin B-60.063

From the table, you can see that the fruit has a high amount of sugar. This is the reason I mentioned that the fruit should be an occasional treat. 

How to Feed Kiwi to Bearded Dragons

Bearded dragon and kiwi

Promise me you will only feed the fruit to your pet occasionally. Regular consumption can be harmful, which I have mentioned later in this article. For now, let’s have a look at how you can add the fruit safely to their diet. 

  • Choose a fresh and ripe kiwi. Look for organic ones for better nutrition and reduced health risks. 
  • You must wash the fruit under fresh water. Make sure no dirt remains on the food. In case the fruit is not organic, make sure no pesticides remain. 
  • Take a knife and cut the peels. My friend taught me an easier way, though. Cut the fruit into half and scoop out the green flesh of the fruit with a spoon. Look how it is done:
  • Take the knife again and chop the fruit into small pieces. Larger pieces might not be easy to eat for beardies. Here is a tip. Make the slices no bigger than the space between the two eyes of your reptile. 
  • Remove the seeds if you are not too busy. The seeds are not going to do harm, but they are not digested properly. You may even notice them coming out when your pet poos. 
  • Serve the kiwi alone or make a salad. I usually serve it alone as they do not eat much. They may not even touch the fruit and eat other fruits from the salad. Why take the risk?

Are There Any Benefits of Kiwi for Bearded Dragons?

Kiwis are fruits and they do have some benefits for whoever the consumer is. That includes bearded dragons as well. 

  • The fruit is high in water content. It contains almost 84% water. It makes the fruit ideal for the lizards on warmer days. 
  • Kiwi also contains protein in them. It is a vital food nutrient for them. Protein contributes to their muscle growth and boosts the immune system. 
  • Though in a small amount, the fruit offers vitamin A and vitamin B. 
  • Minerals are present in kiwi in plenty. From sodium, phosphorus, and calcium to manganese, calcium, and zinc, kiwis have them all. These minerals help your reptiles’ bone health and make their teeth stronger. 
  • Having different foods, along with insects like mice, crickets, and vegetables, keep their appetite optimal. Eating the same food reduces their desire to eat. 

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Kiwi Daily?

As I said, no. You must not feed kiwi daily to a bearded dragon. It is better to give them the fruit only once a month. That will be enough for them to enjoy some benefits escaping the demerits. 

Besides, kiwi is not their primary food in the wild. In the wild, bearded dragons usually focus on living insects. The movement of the insects stimulates their appetite and encourages them to eat. Though they are omnivores, beardies like insects more than fruits and vegetables. 

Let them have different living insects. Pink mice and crickets are among their favorite foods. However, avoid feeding dead crickets. The bottom line is that kiwi must not be fed daily. 

Risks of Feeding Kiwi to Lizard Reptiles

Feeding kiwi once a month is safe. But you may want to feed these delicious fruits to your lizards more often. 

Do not do this!

I am repeating it again. This can be harmful to your pet. Here are some potential threats of overfeeding them the fruit. 

  • Kiwi is high in sugar, which is not suitable for them. Excessive accumulation of sugar can lead to various health issues, including diabetes. 
  • The fruit contains mostly water and lacks the necessary vitamins. Different vitamins play different roles in maintaining their health. Vitamin deficiency may lead to multiple health problems. 
  • Having too many kiwis can cause an imbalance in the ratio of phosphorus and calcium. The presence of extra phosphorus can reduce their calcium absorption. This may lead to weak bones and weak teeth. 

What Other Fruits Can Bearded Dragons Eat?

Bearded dragons can eat many types of fruits. However, you must not feed them fruits only. Here is a list of fruits they can eat:

  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Berries (Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries)
  • Papaya
  • Mango
  • Pears
  • Pineapple
  • Kiwi
  • Melons (Cantaloupe, Honeydew)
  • Oranges
  • Peaches
  • Plums
  • Grapes
  • Cherries
  • Guava


Here are some more questions that people often look for. Hopefully, you won’t have to go searching for them.

Can Beardies eat kiwi skin?

No, bearded dragons cannot eat the skin of kiwi fruit. The skin is not digestible for them, and they may suffer from digestive issues. Give them the flesh only and remove the seeds as well. 

Can baby bearded dragons eat kiwi?

Yes, baby bearded dragons can eat kiwi only once a month. It adds a variation to their diet. However, their primary food source is not kiwi. Give them leafy greens and live insects that are suitable for their size. 

Do bearded dragons like kiwi?

Yes, bearded dragons are curious animals, and they like to have kiwi occasionally. However, they may not show much interest in the fruit they eat regularly. Their appetite is stimulated by the movement of living objects like insects. 


What is the ultimate lesson of all these discussions? Can bearded dragons eat kiwi? Yes, they can only in a small amount. Give them once a month. Remove the seeds and the skin before giving them the fruit. Your beardie will enjoy the fruit. If it does not, avoid forcing. My beardie usually likes it, though.