Can Bearded Dragons Eat Pineapple: Benefits, Risks, and Serving

2 years ago, I brought in my first bearded dragon. I got obsessed with my reptile pet and started to look for what new I could feed him. “Can bearded dragons eat pineapple?” was one of the questions that took me a while to find the answer.

Yes, bearded dragons can eat pineapple only once or twice a month. The fruit is high in sugar and low in calcium and fiber. These features make it not very ideal to be a regular food for bearded dragons. However, you can feed them occasionally for a change.

Let me share my experience with you. How I feed pineapple to my reptile so that it does not get diarrhea, or diabetes. 

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Pineapple?

Two whole pineapples rest in front of a colorful background divided into pink and yellow sections.

As I have already said, bearded dragons can actually eat pineapple. The fruit is soft, juicy, and has a sweet flavor. Your little reptile friend will surely like the texture, just as my Spike likes it in small amounts.

Remember that bearded dragons do not have the ability to taste sweetness of pineapples. Their taste bud is not designed like that. Also, sugar is not good for their digestion.

Besides, young bearded dragons need more protein-based foods. Their diet primary contains insects, such as crickets, dubia roaches, mealworms, etc. Since pineapple does not contain much protein, adding it to baby dragons’ diet is not a wise step.

Since adult dragons reduce their consumption and become more interested in plant-based foods, you can feed them pineapple. But again, their primary food should be vegetables, not fruits.

Food Value of Pineapple

Having a good idea about the nutritional value of pineapples will help you understand the article better. So, have a good look at the following table. 

NutrientsAmount per 100 g 
Water86 g
Energy50 kcal
Protein0.54 g
Fiber1.4 g
Total Sugars9.85 g
Calcium13 mg
Magnesium12 mg
Iron0.29 mg

How to Serve Pineapples to Bearded Dragons?

A central bearded dragon with a white body is eating a slice of pineapple.

Your pet can suffer from choking, digestive issues, or other problems if you feed it pineapples in the wrong way. What is the right way, then? Follow my lead. 

  • Choose ripe pineapple. The next step is to wash the pineapple thoroughly. Bearded dragons can get sick from any pesticides or chemicals on the skin. 
  • Remove the leaves and skin of the pineapple. The skin is not safe for the reptile even though it contains vitamin C. Nonetheless, as a human being, you are free to eat the peel.
  • Cut the pineapple into small cubes no bigger than the space between your dragon’s eyes. This makes it easier for them to eat and digest.
  • Make sure to remove any hard, woody parts from the pineapple slice. You don’t want them accidentally swallowing a large fibrous chunk. 
  • I like to skewer the pineapple cubes on the end of a reptile feeding stick or tweezers. That way, I can hold it near my dragon’s face but pull it away if he gets too excited.
  • Monitor for signs of an upset stomach or diarrhea afterward. Stop feeding immediately after noticing any unusual behavior. 

With a few precautions, fresh pineapple can be a yummy way to add more variety to your beardie’s fruit intake. Just be sure to start slowly with tiny pieces and keep an eye out for any adverse reactions.

How Much Pineapple Is Safe for Bearded Dragons?

Follow these instructions while feeding the fruit to your reptile lizard. 

  • Adult bearded dragons can have a small 1-2 inch piece of pineapple 1-2 times per month as an occasional treat.
  • Juvenile dragons should have even less due to their smaller size. Aim for a 1 inch piece once a month.
  • Remove skin and core before feeding to reduce acidity and fiber. The flesh is safest.
  • Do not feed pineapple to dragons under 1 year old. Their digestive system is too sensitive.

Benefits of Pineapple for Bearded Dragons

Would you go through all the precautions to feed pineapples? I do. The fruit has some benefits along with the difficulties. 

Two pineapples sit on a wooden table.

1. Provides Hydration

27% of captive bearded dragons suffer from dehydration even after so much care. I never want this to happen to my little beardies. Therefore, I feed them different types of fruits, including pineapples. 

Pineapple is high in water, containing about 87% water content. Water keeps bearded dragons’ skin smooth and prevents irregular shedding. Lack of water can cause sunken eyes and paleness among them. 

However, do not just feed them pineapple for water. Maintain a variation with other fruits like watermelon, strawberry, etc., which are also high in water. Vegetables like carrots also contain high amounts of water. 

2. Some Necessary Nutrients

Apart from water, pineapples also contain some other important nutrients. It includes protein, fiber, and some minerals. These are crucial to maintaining optimal health for them. 

  • Protein is necessary for muscle growth. 
  • Minerals boost teeth and bone health.
  • Fiber promotes digestion and gut health of bearded dragons. 

3. Adds A Variation

The primary reason to feed my reptile pineapple is to maintain a variation. Eating the same food can become mundane for them, even if it is their favorite crickets. By the way, avoid feeding dead crickets to bearded dragons

Adding pineapple will be a delightful experience for your little reptile. They usually enjoy the taste of the fruit, especially in summer. 

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Pineapple as Primary Food?

No, pineapple must not be the primary food of your scaly reptiles. I can give you many good reasons to not do so. Feeding bearded dragons too much pineapple can lead to some negative health effects. Here are some of the potential side effects of overfeeding pineapple.

  • Bearded dragons are omnivores. They need insects, vegetables, and fruits for proper nutrition. Eating only pineapple is not going to give them all the necessary nutrition. 
  • Pineapple is low in nutrition. It does not offer any vitamins. Lack of vitamins can contribute to various health issues in bearded dragons. 
  • It is important to imitate the natural food habits of bearded dragons in captivity. Pineapple is not in their diet list of wildlife. Feeding only this fruit goes against their natural food habit. It can be harmful to them. 
  • The fruit is high in sugar, containing about 10% of its net weight. This much sugar is harmful to reptiles. It leads to weight gain, obesity, diarrhea, and diabetes. 
  • Pineapple does not contain enough calcium, either. They may lose bone density and become vulnerable to fracture. 

What Other Fruits Can Bearded Dragons Eat?

A colorful variety of fruits, including grapes, apples, and bananas, rest on a wooden table.

You can give a lot of other fruits to your scaly reptiles. They enjoy newer fruits. But do not overfeed them. Here are some of the safest fruit options for them:

  • Green apple
  • Grapes
  • Raspberries
  • Watermelon
  • Apricots
  • Bananas
  • Blueberries
  • Figs
  • Mango
  • Kiwi, etc. 


Have a look at the following questions. You will get more information regarding the diet of bearded dragons. 

How often can I give my bearded dragon pineapple?

Feed your bearded dragon pineapple as an occasional treat, not exceeding once a week. Limit portion sizes to small, bite-sized pieces. Excessive or regular consumption can lead to various side effects. 

Are pineapple leaves safe for bearded dragons?

No, avoid feeding pineapple leaves to your bearded dragon. Stick to the fruit’s fleshy part. Leaves can be tough to digest and may cause digestive problems. Provide a balanced diet of suitable greens and insects for their nutritional needs.

Do bearded dragons need water with pineapple?

Yes, bearded dragons need water, but not directly with pineapple. Offer fresh water in a shallow dish at all times. While pineapple contains some moisture, it’s not sufficient for hydration. Ensure your pet has separate access to clean water to support their overall health and well-being.

Will bearded dragons eat pineapple peel?

No, avoid feeding bearded dragons pineapple peel. Stick to the fleshy part of the fruit, as the peel can be tough to digest and may lead to digestive issues. Being curious, your reptile pet may want to have a bit but do not let them. It could be injurious.


Bearded dragons can eat pineapples and many other fruits. However, do not only feed them fruits. Give them vegetables and insects as well. They are curious animals and may tend to eat whatever you give them. It is your responsibility to ensure the best diet for them. Check my other articles for help. 

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