Can Bearded Dragons Eat Tomato: Safety, Risks, and Benefits

It often confuses people whether a tomato is a fruit or a vegetable. There is another question that may come to your mind. “Can bearded dragons eat tomato?” It is adorable that you are checking the facts before feeding them.

Yes, bearded dragons can eat tomatoes in small amounts in rare occasions; let’s say once in a couple of months. The fruit is not full of nutrition, so it is a no-brainer to feed them too many tomatoes. It does not contain many vitamins or minerals either. However, it can be a refreshing treat for the pet occasionally. 

Any food you want to feed bearded dragons needs to be fed at a proper amount. Allow me to help you learn how to incorporate the fruit into the reptiles’ diet. 

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Tomato

Let me explain this in detail. There is actually no need to feed tomatoes to bearded dragons. It’s not one of their regular or primary food. Beardies don’t even eat tomatoes in the wild. They are from the drylands of Australia where tomato is not available. But can bearded dragons eat tomato?

Well, yes, they can. These lizards are omnivores and can eat insects, vegetables, and fruits alike. However, just because they can eat, it does not mean they should. Tomato does not provide them much health benefits, which I will describe later. If you are too enthusiast to share this juice vegetable with your dragon, share it in a very small amount. And that is too, once in a couple of months.

Nutrition Value of Tomato

A red and wet tomato
A red and wet tomato

Tomatoes are, like I said, not rich in nutrition. Yet, let’s have a look at the nutrition profile of the fruit. 

NutrientsAmount per 100 g
Water94.5 g
Protein0.88 g
Carbohydrate3.89 g
Fiber1.2 g
Total Sugars2.63 g
Calcium10 mg

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Tomatoes Every Day?

No, bearded dragons cannot eat tomatoes every day. Several issues contribute to this. Let me explain why the fruit should only be an occasional treat. 

1. It Is Not Nutritious

That’s it. It is the primary reason for not making it the primary food for your pet. They need proper nutrition to survive in captivity. Tomatoes do not have enough vitamins or minerals to offer. Regular eating of this fruit can make your scaly reptiles suffer from a lack of nutrition. 

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Tomato

2. It Is A Non Moving Food

Bearded dragons are omnivores, and they like to have insects. The movement of insects stimulates their appetite. They feel interested in the food. However, a tomato is not a moving object. The lack of movement can reduce the reptile’s appetite. 

3. Will Bore Your Reptile

Another major reason not to feed reptiles the same food every day is that they may get bored with it. They need variations in their food. They can have myriad types of foods in their wildlife. Eating the same food may reduce their appetite and lead to reduced food consumption. Try adding variations by including bananas, watermelon, and insects. 

4. Does Not Contain Protein

Chemical structure of protein
Chemical structure of protein

Protein is the most important nutrient for bearded dragons. However, tomatoes contain little to no protein at all! So, when you are feeding tomato to your pet, consider that this meal is giving him no benefit. He won’t get much energy out of it.

Protein plays a crucial role in bearded dragons’ growth and metabolism. Without this nutrient, their growth will be affected. They can also suffer from other physical illness.

How to Feed Tomato to Bearded Dragons

Though you cannot feed it daily, there is no sin in feeding them occasionally. Follow my lead to incorporate tomatoes into the diet of your reptile friend. 

  • Choose pesticide-free fresh, ripe, and raw potatoes. Choose the red one, though. The green ones are often more acidic. 
  • Wash them with fresh water. Make sure no dust or dirt remains on the skin of the fruit. 
  • Remove the stems and leaves from the tomatoes. The seeds can stay. Or, if you want, remove them. They do not contain much food value either. 
  • Peeling is optional. Beardies may like it without the skin but it reduces the food value of the fruit. 
  • Cut the tomatoes into 4 pieces. For smaller dragons, reduce the sizes to help them eat. 
  • Serve them in a small amount. Look for their reactions. Remove the tomatoes if they are not interested in the fruit. 

Benefits of Tomato for Your Pet

Tomato may not be ideal for a regular diet for bearded dragons, but it can be beneficial if fed in the right manner. Here are some of the benefits of eating the fruit. 

  • The fruit is high in water. Tomatoes contain about 95% water. It helps them stay hydrated. Lack of water consumption can lead to several health issues, including dry skin. Tomatoes can match their water requirements and help them stay hydrated. 
  • Bearded dragons usually like the taste. They like the sweet, tart, and tangy flavor of the fruit. It can help to increase their appetite and enhance food consumption.
  • Occasional tomato treats can be a happy means for beardies. They will surely appreciate the change of taste. 
  • It is quite easy to find tomatoes in your neighborhood. You can also grow them in the garden to ensure pesticide-free, safe tomatoes for the pet. 

Risks of Feeding Tomatoes to Your Bearded Dragon

Tomatoes are not all goody-good food. It has some drawbacks for dragons. Here are some of the risks for bearded dragons of eating tomatoes.

1. Tomatoes Are High in Sugar

Reptiles do not need sugar. It does not do any good to them. Instead, it is harmful to their teeth. It can lead to diarrhea and other health complications, too. In some rare cases, excessive accumulation of sugar can lead to diabetes. 

2. The Presence of Oxalates

Oxalates can be harmful to bearded dragons. High-oxalate food can bind calcium and lead to calcium deficiency. Though tomatoes are not high in oxalates, eating too many slices can lead to health issues. 

3. High Acidic Content

Tomatoes are high in acidic content. It may lead to digestive issues and can also cause stomach upset. It impacts nutrition absorption and leads to other health problems. 

4. May Lead to Toxicity

Tomatoes contain solanine, a toxic substance for reptiles. The accumulation of the compound in large quantities may lead to various health issues. They may suffer from an upset stomach and lose their appetite. 

What Other Fruits Can Bearded Dragons Eat?

Here is a list of other fruits your scaly reptiles can have. The amount should always be measured. Do not overfeed any of them. 

  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Berries (Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries)
  • Papaya
  • Mango
  • Pears
  • Pineapple
  • Kiwi
  • Melons (Cantaloupe, Honeydew)
  • Oranges
  • Peaches
  • Plums
  • Grapes
  • Cherries
  • Guava


Here is more information regarding the inclusion of tomatoes in bearded dragons’ diet. 

How often can bearded dragons have tomatoes? 

Not more than once a week, and twice a month. Tomatoes are not nutritionally rich and contain some harmful substances. Feed the fruit only occasionally to ensure optimal health for the pet reptile. 

Can bearded dragons eat tomato leaves and stems? 

No, bearded dragons should not eat tomato leaves and stems. They contain substances that are not safe for them. Besides, these are not easily digestible for the reptile. They may suffer from choking hazards. 

Can baby bearded dragons eat tomatoes safely?

Yes, baby bearded dragons can also eat tomatoes, but surely only in small amounts. Higher amounts can cause several digestive issues. Give them other vegetables and insects to ensure a proper healthy diet. 

Can bearded dragons eat tomato worms?

Yes, they can consume tomato worms only if the tomatoes are cultivated without pesticides. Make sure no chemical was used. I suggest not feeding the worms unless the tomatoes are grown in your backyard. 


Bearded dragons can eat tomatoes with some conditions attached. Feed only the flesh part, and remove stems and seeds. Give them the fruit only occasionally along with their regular nutritious food. It will serve as a good treat and improve their appetite.