Can Bearded Dragons Eat Spinach

Spinach is a super healthy food for us humans, but what about bearded dragons? It is a good source of water, protein, and fiber. It may seem like they would make a good addition to your pet’s diet. But can bearded dragons eat spinach, really? 

The answer is no. Bearded dragons cannot eat spinach, not as a stable food as it contains high amounts of oxalates. Oxalates can cause calcium issues, which is an important mineral for beardies. If you really want to feed it, do it rarely. Maybe once in a couple of months would be fine. 

Let’s discuss in detail why this herb with a good profile cannot be fed to reptiles. I will also share the thoughts of other pet owners, so keep reading along. 

Nutrition Overview of Spinach

An indoor spinach plant in a bag

Check the table below to explore the nutrition profile of raw spinach. Hopefully, this will be convincing to you. 

Spinach (raw)Per 100g Serving
Water91.4 g
Energy23 kcal
Protein2.86 g
Carbohydrate3.63 g
Total Sugars0.42 g
Calcium99 mg
Phosphorus49 mg
Oxalates658 mg
Vitamin A, RAE469 µg

Why Can Bearded Dragons Not Eat Spinach?

The nutrition profile of spinach is quite impressive, I have to admit that. Then why can’t bearded lizards have them? 

High Amounts of Oxalates

Different vegetables that are high in oxalates

The main culprit here is the presence of oxalates. These are naturally found compounds in many plants. But spinach is high in them, which is a concern. Studies have shown that excessive oxalate intake can interfere with calcium absorption. 

Oxalates hinder calcium absorption in bearded dragons through a process of binding. Oxalates and calcium have opposite charges, so they attract each other. This can lead to the formation of insoluble calcium oxalate complexes. 

These calcium oxalate complexes are quite stable and very difficult for the beardies digestive system to break down and absorb. In other words, calcium gets trapped, and your reptile pet cannot enjoy the benefits of it. 

Consequences of Lack of Calcium

Calcium is indeed a crucial nutrient needed for a healthy bearded dragon. Without this mineral, they can suffer from a number of issues, such as:

  • Calcium is crucial to build and maintain strong bones. The deficiency can often lead to Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD). It’s a condition when their bones get soft, brittle, and prone to fractures. 
  • As bones weaken with MBD, they can become misshapen. This can lead to a hunched posture, bowed legs, a shortened jaw, and spinal curvature. 
  • Calcium also has a significant role in muscle function. Deficiency can lead to lethargy, weakness, difficulty climbing, and tremors.
  • For female bearded dragons, calcium deficiency can lead to difficulties laying eggs, weak eggshells, and problems with egg retention.
  • If this continues, there is also the risk of seizures, paralysis, and even death. 

Vitamin A Toxicity

3D chemical structure of vitamin A

Spinach is also high in vitamin A. What’s the problem with that? 

While bearded dragons do need vitamin A, too much can lead to hypervitaminosis A, which is vitamin A toxicity. This leads to lethargy, weight loss, and swelling. In severe cases, excessive vitamin A can interfere with bone development. Toxicity can overload the liver and cause damage and potential liver failure. 

Too Much Spinach Can Kill Your Pet

You must not feed spinach in large amounts to your reptile dragon, not regularly, either. This can be life-threatening for them. The presence of excessive oxalates and vitamin A is highly dangerous for them. They can even lead to the death of your cute animal friend. 

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Spinach Occasionally?

Is spinach easy to get in your area? If yes, then you may want to feed the leaves to your reptile pet as well. But you cannot, as you have already seen. But it does not mean that beardies cannot have them at all. Occasional feeding is actually helpful for them sometimes. 

Low Sugar Content

Beardies do not need sugar at all. They are not humans. A food containing low sugar is better for them. Spinach is less than 1% sugar, which is a good point for them. If you want to add something new to your bearded dragon, then you can add spinach. But make sure it is only once a month or two. 

Healthy Ratio of Calcium and Phosphorus

Beardies need both phosphorus and calcium. But they need to have a balance. The ideal calcium-to-phosphorus ratio is 2:1. Higher presence of phosphorus can reduce calcium absorption. Thankfully, it is an ideal ratio of beardies. 

Vitamins and Minerals

Spinach contains some of the essential elements needed for bearded dragons. These greens contain iron, folate, fiber, vitamin A, calcium, and vitamin K. These vitamins and minerals contribute to the overall welfare of beardies. 

  • Vitamin A: Essential for vision, growth, reproduction, and immune function.
  • Calcium: Builds and maintains strong bones, preventing Metabolic Bone Disease. Additionally, this is also crucial for muscle function. 
  • Vitamin K: Aids in blood clotting and bone health.
  • Fiber: Aids in digestion and gut health.
  • Iron: Needed for red blood cell production in bearded dragon as well as oxygen transport. However, too much iron can be harmful, so it’s not a primary dietary concern.
  • Folate: Supports cell growth and development. It is not a major dietary concern for bearded dragons compared to other nutrients.

How Can Bearded Dragons Eat Spinach?

HUman playing with a bearded dragon

Though beardies can have spinach occasionally, and I mean really occasionally, it should be fed in a proper manner. 

  • Once again. This is not a regular part of their diet. Aim for no more than once a month at most. 
  • Chop the spinach into smaller pieces. The amount should be minuscule, like a single, chopped leaf for adult bearded dragons.
  • Ensure spinach makes up a very small portion of their salad mix. 
  • Always wash spinach thoroughly to remove any pesticides or dirt.
  • Consulting a veterinarian for guidance specific to your bearded dragon’s needs is suggested.

What Are Other Pet Owners Saying?

Let’s have a quick look at what other pet owners are saying. Hopefully, you will be convinced. 

What Can Bearded Dragons Eat?

As bearded dragons cannot eat spinach, what should you feed your beardies? Here is a list of good and safer options for them. 

Staple Greens for Bearded Dragons

  • Collard greens
  • Mustard greens
  • Turnip greens
  • Dandelion greens
  • Cactus pad (prickly pear)
  • Endive or escarole
  • Bok choy

Insects you need to offer them:

  • Crickets
  • Dubia roaches
  • Superworms
  • Mealworms
  • Silkworms
  • Phoenix worms
  • Hornworms 
  • Pink mice
  • Earthworms, etc. 


Check the following questions that will help you maintain a good bearded dragon diet. 

Can bearded dragons eat baby spinach? 

The nutrition profile of baby spinach is not very different from regular spinach. The oxalate content is similar in both regular and baby spinach. Stick to safe, calcium-rich veggies! Don’t feed it regularly.

Can bearded dragons eat tomatoes?

Bearded dragons can have tomatoes in very small amounts as an occasional treat. They’re mostly water but offer some vitamins. However, due to their acidity, limit them and offer calcium-rich veggies as their main diet.

How much spinach can I feed my bearded dragon?

It’s best to avoid spinach altogether for your bearded dragon. Their diet should focus on calcium-rich veggies. If you must offer some, a tiny piece (think a single chopped leaf for adults) once a month at most is very occasional.

Can bearded dragons eat chicken eggs?

Bearded dragons can eat scrambled or boiled eggs in moderation! Offer them chicken eggs as an occasional treat, not a staple. Stick to half an egg at most every other week to avoid too much protein and focus on calcium-rich veggies for their main diet.


So, the final answer to your question, “Can bearded dragons eat spinach?” is a no. It is not a staple food for them. You can avoid them completely. However, offer them not more than once in one or two months. 
