Why Do Bearded Dragons Lick Everything: Is It Safe?

Bearded dragons may lick almost anything they find around. They may lick you, your wristwatch, the glass of their cage, other pets, and even the floor. This might be concerning for new owners. Why do bearded dragons lick everything? 

Licking things around is a natural instinct of bearded dragons. The tongue is used to taste and smell unfamiliar objects. They try to measure and understand newer things by licking them. This is why the licking behavior is very common when you adopt a dragon. 

Many misconceptions are there regarding such behavior. Today, I will resolve them and explain the real reason for them licking everything. 

Why Do Bearded Dragons Lick Everything?

Bearded dragons lick things and objects for a number of reasons. Tasting them before eating can be one of them. But that is not the case all the time. Here are 5 reasons for beardies licking various things. 

Close-up photo of a bearded dragon lizard with its bright orange tongue sticking out.

1. Is Your Pet Bearded Dragon Licking You?

Well, congratulations! You have broken the ice. The beardie has started to feel comfortable around. It is getting used to your presence and now wants to explore you. They intend to gain your scent through the tongue so that they can identify you later. 

Some bearded dragons nod their heads sometimes when their owners arrive. Their ability to scent people helps with this. Again, beardies are not going to sniff or lick everyone. These reptiles will only do it when they begin to believe. Hence, getting licked by your pet is a good sign for owners. 

2. To Explore Their Environment

Ever noticed your pet licking the glass wall of their enclosure? Is it normal for them? Yes, it is quite normal for these cuties. 

Bearded dragons are curious animals. They can use their 1-3 inches long tongue to test the taste of their surroundings. These reptiles can gain a lot of information about their surroundings using their tongues. Another reason for licking is to check for remnants of food or insects they previously had. 

Bearded dragons can also lick walls if the enclosure is too dry. They lick the wall to absorb moisture through their skin. This is a sign that you might need to increase humidity levels or provide a shallow water dish. This will help them soak in some water and stay hydrated. 

Since they are exothermic, their body temperature is influenced by the environment. They can measure temperature using their tongue. It helps them decide when to go to brumation. 

3. Bearded Dragons Licking Other Animals

Although beardies are solitary animals, they are highly social. If you introduce a new dragon to them for breeding, they won’t hop on to each other so quickly. It takes a few hours for them to get along. 

Are you doing this on purpose? Then you must keep an eye on them. Trying to establish friendship between beardies and dogs or cats should be done carefully. Cats can get aggressive and attack and injure the lizard. You must be on the spot to prevent any injury or accidents. 

4. They Are Bored

Is the licking habit too repetitive for your dragon? Then there must be something wrong with it. It can be due to stress or boredom. Make sure the enclosure is spacious enough and has enrichments. You can add climbing branches, different textures, and hides to keep them stimulated. 

You do not have to bring a new pet to entertain them. They enjoy solitary. You just have to add enrichments so that they can do something and not get bored. Besides, enrichment will stimulate them to exercise. It will promote their health and strength. 

5. It Is A Pre Mating Ritual

Bearded dragons are territorial and do not like the invasion or intrusion of other dragons in their area. However, they may tolerate and become a little flexible during the breeding season. 

When you introduce a new dragon, they will observe each other. Soon, they may lick each other to know them. This is a ritual they perform before mating. It is a signal that both are ready and agreed. You do not need to worry about this. 

What Do Bearded Dragons Lick?

Bearded dragons lick a lot of things, each on purpose. Licking is a part of their instinct, not a disease. So no need to worry about it. 

1. The air

Bearded dragons lick the air to be chemical detectives! Their forked tongues trap tiny particles as they lick. They can transfer them to a special organ called the Jacobson’s organ located in the roof of their mouth. This “smelling tongue” analyzes the chemicals, helping them with:

  • Finding food: They can detect yummy insect scents wafting around by licking the air.
  • Mating: During breeding season, males use air-licking to sniff out pheromones. It is an invisible scent signal released by females. 
  • Danger detection: Some chemicals might signal danger, prompting them to retreat.

2. Food

What do bearded dragons eat? They are opportunistic feeders and can eat a variety of foods. And that includes insects, vegetables, and fruits. They use their tongue to snatch up a variety of insects and plant life. 

  • Tasting food: Specialized bumps on their tongue help them assess taste and texture. They might lick and nudge food items before taking a bite.
  • Hydration: Bearded dragons can absorb some moisture by licking morning dew on leaves or droplets left in their enclosure. Though it is not their primary technique for hydration, it comes in handy sometimes. 

3. Floor

Bearded dragons lick the floor for a few reasons. They often become reptilian detectives and do such things. Reasons for licking include the following:

  • Licking the floor can help them sense the coolness or warmth of the surface. 
  • Licking the floor can help them identify unfamiliar substances. 
  • Licking is a way for them to explore their environment. The floor is a large part of their enclosure, and licking it can be a way to gather information about it. 

Myth About Bearded Dragons Licking

So far, I have covered the facts. What they lick and why they lick, etc. However, there are a few misconceptions regarding this behavior. Let’s clarify them to resolve your doubts. 

1. They Are Tasting Your Skin

Your bearded dragon is licking your skin to taste you! While it might seem like your bearded dragon is giving you a taste test, that’s not quite what’s happening. Their licking serves several other purposes. 

Licking you allows them to analyze your unique scent and get a sense of who you are. They also have taste buds in tongues that allow them to smell. It is only their approach to get to know you better. 

2. Showing You Affection

While they lick to explore, it does not mean that they are showing affection. Their purpose for licking is not the same as dogs and cats. They only like to quench their curiosity. It is not related to their emotions. They may not feel endangered by your presence, but beardies do not establish bonds with their owners.  

3. They Are Hungry

While they lick to taste and explore potential food sources, it doesn’t always mean they’re starving. I have already explained why they lick their surroundings. Don’t start feeding them every time they lick around something. This may result in overfeeding and eventual obesity. 

What Bearded Dragons Should Not Lick?

They may want to lick everything, but you must not allow it. Not all things are safe for them. Make sure they are not spreading their tongue for the following substances:

  • Harmful Chemicals: This includes cleaning products, pesticides, or anything you wouldn’t want yourself to touch. Keep these far away from their enclosure. Remember to wash your hands well before handling them.
  • Toxic Plants: Some plants are toxic for bearded dragons. It includes amaryllis, azalea, boxwood, English ivy, monstera, etc. 
  • If you have other furry friends, watch out for cross-contamination. Your beardie might lick your dog or cat and ingest harmful bacteria from their fur.

How to Keep Bearded Dragons Safe from Licking Hazards

As they are curious, beardies lick almost anything and everything. Therefore, you need to be careful to save them from licking hazardous elements. Here is what you can do:

  • Regularly clean your bearded dragon’s enclosure to remove any harmful substances. Pay attention to unwanted food scraps, debris, and cleaning chemicals.
  • Avoid loose substrates like sand that can be accidentally ingested during licking. Opt for paper towels, reptile carpet, or tile.
  • Keep a close eye on them when letting them roam outside the enclosure. Let them not lick furniture, electrical cords, or other potentially hazardous surfaces.
  • Always wash your hands with soap and water before and after handling your bearded dragon. This minimizes their chance to lick harmful bacteria from your skin. 
  • Research and avoid keeping any toxic plants near your bearded dragon’s enclosure.

What to Do if a Bearded Dragon Licks Something Dangerous?

I always find it cute and adorable the amount of curiosity bearded dragons express. However, this can be harmful sometimes, too. In case they lick anything harmful, follow these tips:

  • Stay calm instead of panicking, but act fast. 
  • Try to identify the substance they licked. If possible, take a picture or keep a small sample for the vet.
  • Gently remove your bearded dragon from the area. Eliminate any remaining traces of the dangerous substance.
  • Watch your bearded dragon for signs of distress like vomiting, lethargy, or diarrhea.
  • Don’t wait for symptoms! Call your exotic vet right away and explain the situation. They can provide the best course of action based on the ingested substance.


I would like to share some additional information that can be crucial under the circumstances. 

What to do if bearded dragons licked electrical cord?

If you catch your bearded dragon licking an electrical cord, act fast and prioritize safety. Unplug the cord if possible, then gently remove your dragon. Check their mouth and body for burns. Regardless of visible injuries, call your exotic vet immediately.

Is bearded dragon Saliva toxic?

No, bearded dragon saliva itself isn’t toxic to humans. However, they can carry bacteria like salmonella, so wash your hands after handling them. You won’t get injured by their licking or bites. Still, better be safe and take precautions. 

Can I kiss my beardie on the lips?

Skip the kisses! It’s best to avoid putting your beardie near your mouth. They carry salmonella, which can make you sick. Snuggle time is safe but wash your hands well afterward.


Bearded dragons will lick things around. There is nothing we can do about it. What we can do is ensure they are licking safe things. Keep an eye on them to ensure safety. If they lick anything hazardous, then take prompt action to protect them from further consequences.