Can Komodo Dragons Swim: Do They Hunt in Water?

Komodo dragons are not very good runners. Therefore, they apply ambush attacking techniques to catch prey. However, if you can spot them from a distance, maybe you have a chance. Shall you jump into the water? Can Komodo dragons swim? 

Yes, Komodo dragons can swim, and they are surprisingly strong swimmers! They use their powerful tails to propel themselves through water. These reptiles can also navigate the current to travel between islands. They can swim faster than they run, at almost 12-13 mph. 

That’s not all. You will find more interesting facts about Komodo’s swimming ability in the later part of the article. So, take your tea, and let’s roll!

Key points of the article:

How Good Can Komodo Dragons Swim? 

Komodo dragons are impressive swimmers, defying their bulky appearance. It helps them with aquatic travel. They use their long, muscular tails that act like oars. The tail propels them through the water with surprising speed. 

Additionally, their flattened body aids them to stay afloat like a miniature raft. The flattened shape distributes its weight more evenly and provides a better surface area to stay afloat. The trapped in their lungs adds buoyancy and helps them stay higher in the water with less effort. 

Komodo Dragons Are Not Deep Divers

Despite their ability to swim, Komodos are not deep divers. Several factors set this limitation, such as:

  • Their large size and heavy bones make it difficult to overcome water pressure at depth. It would require a lot more energy to swim underwater with such weight on. 
  • Komodo dragons cannot adjust pressure or buoyancy with their bladders. They have to rely solely on air-filled lungs. At depth, these lungs compress and reduce buoyancy, which makes it harder to stay afloat. As a result, they would need more energy to swim. 
  • Their primary prey lives on land or near the surface. They don’t need to dive deep, actually. It would not have offered them much advantage either. So, their bodies have not adapted to this challenge. 

How Fast Can Komodo Dragons Swim?

A close-up photo of a Komodo dragon swimming

Despite weighing nearly 200 pounds, Komodo dragons can swim 12-13 miles per hour! That’s an interesting feat for these lizards. What helps them swim so fast? Let’s see:

  • Their muscular tails act like a powerful motor with a strong side-to-side movement. 
  • The flattened body shape boosts buoyancy in water and reduces water drag.
  • Though not used for primary propulsion, their powerful legs can help with steering and maneuvering. 
  • They have a glottis, a valve at the back of the throat. It closes when submerged, preventing water from entering the lungs. This protects them from drowning.
  • Using the air trapped in their lungs also helps them stay afloat with less effort. 

Nonetheless, these dragons are not the fastest in the water in their ecosystem. With 12 mph speed, they can never catch a deer that swims at 30 mph. Besides, tigers and crocodiles, two of the few animals that kill Komodo dragons, can swim much faster. 

Do Komodo Dragons Hunt in Water?

A red deer and a Komodo dragon drinking from a watering hole.

Yes, being opportunistic feeders, they will hunt in any place, including water. But it is not their primary strategy. I have already mentioned that they are not as fast as most of their prey. They prefer to hunt their prey on land for various reasons. 

  • First of all, most of their prey are faster than theirs in water.
  • They cannot stay underwater for long as they cannot breathe underwater.
  • There are not many opportunities for taking camouflage in water.
  • Komodo dragons take time to stalk their prey. In the water, they don’t have that time as their prey will not stay there for long. 
  • Because of their slow movement, they won’t be able to chase the prey.
  • In some waters, there are crocodiles, their arch predators. Therefore, Komodo dragons also tend to avoid staying in water for long. 

Can Komodo Dragons Breathe Underwater? 

No, Komodo dragons cannot breathe underwater. Komodo dragons are reptiles with lungs and respiratory systems designed for air intake. Their lungs function by exchanging gasses – oxygen is taken in, and carbon dioxide is expelled. This exchange requires air, not water.

Nonetheless, Komodo dragons can hold their breath underwater for a surprisingly long time. It ranges between 15 to 30 minutes, thanks to their slow metabolic rate compared to mammals. Moreover, their lungs have a greater volume to hold more air and provide a larger oxygen reserve. 


Close-up of a komodo dragon's head and neck emerging from water.

Let’s talk about some interesting small facts about Komodo dragons and their swimming ability. 

Can Komodo dragons swim in the ocean? 

Yes, Komodo dragons can swim in the ocean as well as salt water. Though it is not their regular territory, they can stay afloat and swim at their regular speed. Their strong legs help them swim against the currents of the sea.

How long can Komodo dragons stay in the water? 

Komodo dragons are built for short bursts of swimming, not all-day aquatic adventures. They cannot and do not stay all day in water. They wouldn’t “stand” in water as their legs are for land, and they rely on buoyancy while swimming.

Do Komodo dragons camouflage in mud water?

Komodo dragons don’t have ideal camouflage for mud water, unlike crocodiles. Their dark skin wouldn’t blend well. They rely more on ambush tactics and their powerful bodies than camouflage for hunting.


So, the bottom line is that Komodo dragons can swim both in lakes and oceans. They are not the best swimmers but can travel between islands and search for food. Though they cannot breathe underwater, they can hold their breath for a decent amount of time. Still, water is not their best place.