Komodo Dragon vs Gorilla: Who Can Escape Death

Komodo dragons and gorillas both have intimidating presences. You cannot but sense fear in the air. Then, how about we set a match between them? Yes, it’s a Komodo dragon vs gorilla death match. 

Komodo dragons are venomous, and if they can get a bite on the gorilla, then it is gone. However, the venom will take a few days to kill the gorilla. On the other hand, a gorilla’s immense strength and aggressive nature ensure a victory in the battle. Gorillas will win for sure but may die in a few days. 

I have more to share than just a result. Let’s find out if these strong animals share any similarities, their differences, and a round-by-round comparison. 

Key points of the article:

Komodo Dragons vs Gorilla: Introduction

Let’s have a brief introduction to our two contestant animals. You will get a basic idea about them from the table below:

CriteriaKomodo DragonGorilla
Scientific NameVaranus komodoensisGorilla gorilla (Western Gorilla), Gorilla beringei (Eastern Gorilla)
Average Height2-3 metersMales: Up to 6 ft (1.8 m), Females: Up to 5 ft (1.5 m)
Average Weight70-150 kgMales: 300-500 lbs. (136-227 kg), Females: 150-250 lbs. (68-113 kg)
OriginIndonesia (islands of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, and Gili Motang)Tropical rainforests of Central Africa
TemperamentSolitary Generally peaceful, but can be aggressive when threatened
AppearanceLarge, stocky build with powerful legs and a long tail. Rough, grayish-brown skin with yellow markings.Large size, powerful muscles, thick fur (except chest), distinctive silver hair on mature males (silverback)
Hunting WeaponSharp teeth, claws, and venomous saliva None (herbivores)
SpeedUp to 20 km/h in short burstsNot fast runners, typically top speed around 20 mph (32 km/h) for short bursts
ClimbingGood climbers, especially when youngExcellent 
SwimmingExcellent swimmersNot great
Social BehaviorSolitaryLive in family groups led by a dominant silverback male
Lifespan30-50 years in the wild35-40 years in captivity, 10-15 years in the wild
Bite Power1,300 psi1300 PSI
IntelligenceConsidered intelligent for reptilesHighly intelligent

Komodo Dragons vs Gorilla: Similarities

gorilla vs Komodo dragons face off fight

It is not difficult to find some similarities between these two giants. Check the below list for that:

  • Both are among the largest primates. Gorillas and Komodo dragons are heavy and strong. 
  • Gorillas are highly intelligent. They can use different tools and can also remember faces. Similarly, Komodo dragons are quite intelligent for reptiles. 
  • Sadly, both these animals have been classified as critically endangered. 

Komodo Dragons vs Gorilla: Differences

Finding the differences was much easier than finding similarities. Honestly, take a look for yourself:

  • While Komodo dragons are carnivores, gorillas are herbivores
  • Komodo dragons have venom, gorillas don’t have
  • Gorillas live in tropical rainforests of Central Asia. In contrast, Komodo dragons live in the volcanic islands of Indonesia. 
  • Komodo dragons use venomous bites, sharp claws, and tails for defense. Gorillas have immense strength and powerful bite as their weapons. 
  • Gorillas are usually non-predatory. Quite oppositely, Komodo dragons are the apex predators of their ecosystem. 

Komodo Dragons vs Gorilla: The Fight Begins

So, we have learned enough about these beasts. Let’s see what can happen when these two titans collide. 

Round 1: Size

Gorilla on a tree

Both are giants. No doubt about it. In some cases, Komodo dragons can be longer. However, they are reptiles, while gorillas are mammals. Therefore, gorillas can stand on two feet and appear much bigger and taller. Komodo dragons are not Godzillas, after all.

Besides, the average weight of gorillas is much higher than the average Komodo dragon’s weight. Therefore, when it comes to size, gorillas have the advantage. So, it’s Komodo Dragon 0:1 Gorilla. 

Round 2: Temperament

Gorillas are not how you may think of them. In movies, you have seen them being murderous. But in reality, they are peace-loving herbivores. They do not hunt other animals for food. These mammals can live on vegetables very well. However, if threatened, they can lose their temper, and you are in danger. 

Komodo dragons, on the other hand, are solitary ambush predators. They can get angry, too. However, these reptiles usually wait calmly for their prey to arrive nearby. Therefore, the peaceful gorillas are more dangerous once they lose their temper. 

Hence, Komodo dragon 0:2 Gorilla. 

Round 3: Hunting Weapon

Komodo dragons are equipped with various weapons. First of all, they have sharp teeth to tear the skin and flesh of their prey. Their teeth might not be the strongest, but one of the sharpest. Additionally, they have killer venom. If bitten and injected, the death is confirmed unless treated properly. Komodos can also use their tail as a whipping weapon. 

Gorillas do not have many weapons. They can also bite, which is as powerful as Komodos. Yet, their strongest weapon is their sheer strength. They can move tree trunks with ease. Therefore, despite not having too many weapons, gorillas win this round, too. So, we are at Gorilla 3:0 Komodo dragon. 

Round 4: Speed

When it comes to speed, both Komodo dragons and gorillas belong to the same class. They can burst into a quick sprint, reaching up to 20 kph. Nonetheless, none of them can run for long. They are not good at chasing. We can call it a draw. 

Gorilla 3:0 Komodo dragon. 

Round 5: Intelligence

Well, gorillas take this round, too. They are not just strong but intelligent, too. These mammals can use tools in different ways. Some of them use livers as well for their working advantage. You must have also seen the viral gorilla that can drive, too. In other words, they are quite intelligent.

I am not saying that Komodo dragons are dumb. In fact, they are one of the wisest reptiles. Yet, they are no match for gorillas. Another win for gorillas. It is now 4-0. 

Even the alligator vs Komodo dragon battle was not as one-sided as this!

Round 6: Special Abilities

Komodo dragons are good swimmers. They can also climb when they are juveniles. But the adults cannot. They become heavy, and so forget climbing. 

Weight is not a problem for gorillas, though. They are excellent climbers and can jump from one branch to another with comfort. Swimming is not a strong skill, but they can swim as well. Therefore, this round also goes to gorillas. 

Gorilla 5:0 Komodo dragons

Round 7: Strength

Komodo dragon swimming in fresh water

Komodo dragons are no match for gorillas. These dragons are strong and heavy but not much in comparison to gorillas. Gorillas can topple cars with ease in their bare hands. They can even squeeze a Komodo to its death. Gorillas don’t even need venom to do that. Gorilla 6:0 Komodo dragons.

Who Is the Winner?

After seven rounds, it is clear that gorillas are the winners in real fights. However, Komodos need just one bite to kill a gorilla. Their venom prevents blood clotting, and saliva contains bacteria that cause infection. 

A gorilla may kill a Komodo dragon with no time in combat. However, the survival of the gorilla is also at stake. Most probably, both will die- first the dragon, then the gorilla. 

Do Komodo Dragons and Gorillas Fight in Real Life?

No, Komodo dragons and gorillas do not fight in real life.  Their natural habitats are completely separate. While one lives in the Indonesian islands, the other lives in rainforests. Therefore, a fight between these two species in their natural environment is virtually impossible.


Let’s take a look at some of the other interesting questions related to Komodo dragons. 

1. Can a Komodo dragon beat a crocodile?

No, a Komodo dragon would likely lose a fight against a crocodile. Yes, the dragon has venomous bites, but it is not the same. The crocodile’s immense size, powerful jaws, and thick hide would heavily favor it.

2. Can a Komodo dragon defeat Anaconda?

Yes, Komodo dragons can defeat anaconda. At the same time, anaconda can also defeat Komodo dragons. This depends on where the fight is actually taking place. Both have enough strength and weakness, too, to kill each other. 

3. Can Komodo dragons and gorillas be pets?

No, neither Komodo dragons nor gorillas are suitable pets. Komodo dragons are wild predators with venomous bites, posing a serious danger to humans. Gorillas, though intelligent, are incredibly strong and can be aggressive when threatened. They are both unsuitable for a domestic environment. 

4. Will a gorilla and Komodo dragons be friends?

A friendship between a Komodo dragon and a gorilla is highly unlikely. Their vastly different instincts and natural habitats make any form of peaceful co-existence improbable. The Komodo dragon’s predatory nature and venomous bite pose a constant threat to the gorilla.

5. Komodo dragon or gorilla: who poses a bigger threat to humans?

Komodo dragons pose a significantly bigger threat to humans than gorillas. While both are powerful animals, gorillas are primarily herbivores. Gorillas avoid humans unless threatened. Conversely, Komodo dragons are venomous predators and will also try to eat humans. 


Komodo dragon vs gorilla, thankfully, takes place only in our imagination. While gorillas will win for sure, their lives are also not safe from Komodo dragons. Yes, they share some similarities, but there are more differences. They cannot be friends and do not need to either. Still, Komodos pose a bigger threat to humans, so be careful!