Are Milk Snakes Poisonous: Are They Safe to Eat?

Milk snakes have a colorful appearance, a common attribute of dangerous snakes. It is a fact that vibrant snakes are either poisonous or venomous. Which is true for milk snakes, then?

Are milk snakes poisonous? No, milk snakes are not poisonous. There are about 25 subspecies of milk snakes and none of them are poisonous. They lack the necessary glands for poison, fangs, and other poisonous organs. People often think of copperheads as milk snakes which are poisonous.

Having said that, you should still be careful regarding their bites. Let me explain why they are not poisonous, and how they defend themselves and kill their prey. 

Are Milk Snakes Poisonous?

As I said, no, milk snakes are not poisonous. They are one exceptional example that not all vibrant snakes are poisonous. But it does not mean that they are safe to eat. The absence of poison makes them safe to handle. You won’t get hurt by touching them only. 

Don’t forget that milk snakes are wild animals. They often carry harmful bacteria such as salmonella. This bacteria can reach your stomach if you consume them. There are also regulations in some areas regarding catching or harming wildlife.  Better stick to safe, regulated food sources.

Why Are Milk Snakes Not Poisonous?

Poisonous animals refer to animals that cause toxic reactions when ingested. Milk snakes do not produce any toxins when they are touched or ingested. They are very safe to touch and handle. You can see it in the following video. 

Though the snake is not poisonous, you should still be careful. You must always wash your hands after handling them. They can contain harmful bacteria, such as salmonella. It is a risky bacteria for humans. 

More than 2 million people die of salmonella bacteria globally. It can cause breathing issues, nausea, vomiting, and more after entering your body. Therefore, you must maintain hygiene after handling any kind of snake. 

Are Milk Snakes Venomous?

No, milk snakes are not venomous.

Here is a common mistake people often make. Most people think being venomous and poisonous are the same. While the truth is, both are different terms. Most venomous creatures are not poisonous, and the poisonous ones are not venomous. 

Venomous snakes can inject venom into your body when they bite. Thankfully, milk snakes are non-venomous. Though they have venom glands, they lack teeth and other enzymes that could make their venom deadly. 

Here is a thing. Milk snakes might not be venomous for humans, but they can still kill rats and mice with their venom. Their bites are often not strong enough to break human skin. It helps them make a good pet

Venomous vs Poisonous: What Is the Difference?

Check the following table on venomous vs poisonous snakes. This will clear your doubts regarding these two types of snakes. 

CriteriaVenomous SnakePoisonous Snake
Delivery MechanismInjects venom through fangs or specialized structuresHarms through contact or ingestion of skin or body
Method of DefenseUses venom for hunting and self-defenseRelies on toxins as a deterrent or defense mechanism
Typical ExamplesCobras, Vipers, RattlesnakesExamples are rare; Few snake species are truly poisonous
Toxin TypesVenom contains enzymes that break down tissuesToxins are often alkaloids, proteins, or other chemicals
Evolutionary PurposePredominantly for subduing prey and self-defenseOften evolved as a deterrent against predators
Delivery SpeedDelivered rapidly through a biteActively released or present on the skin or in bodily fluids
Common AdaptationsFangs or modified teeth for venom deliverySkin or bodily secretions containing toxins

How Do Milk Snakes Defend Themselves? 

Milksnakes are neither poisonous nor venomous. Does this make them vulnerable to other animals? Here are some techniques the snake applies to defend itself. 

1. Avoid Getting Involved

The first thing milk snakes do is that they avoid fighting. They are naturally very gentle and docile. They tend to avoid engaging in fights with other animals. They spend most of their time hiding in the wild. Other animals find it very difficult to notice them. Not involving in fights is a part of their defense mechanism. 

2. Takes Advantage of Their Color

Milk snakes capitalize on their vibrant color when they sense danger. The bright and contrasting colors of their bodies act as a warning signal. Animals in the wild tend to avoid such colorful animals. Besides, milk snakes mimic other poisonous and venomous snakes to scare off their predators. 

3. Curling and Hissing

Milk snakes adopt defensive postures when they feel threatened. They will try to escape. But if that is not an option, they try to scare their predators. They coil up their bodies and make hissing noises. This way, they radiate the impression of venomous animals. It helps them keep their predators at a distance.

Are Milk Snakes Poisonous

4. Biting and Musking

This is the final stage of defense for milk snakes. They do not like to get involved in such incidents. However, when they are attacked, they attack back. They bite the predators but the bites are not venomous. However, they often release a foul-smelling musk to deter their predators. 

Is It Safe to Eat Milk Snakes?

Since milk snakes are not poisonous, you may wonder if they are safe to eat. The answer is a big no. You must not eat them. There are several reasons for this. 

1. Health Safety Concerns

Are milk snakes poisonous? No, then what safety issues? Apart from poison, there are several other threats you need to be careful of. Snakes live on eating vertebrates. Mice, rates, and other rodents are their favorite diet items. These animals are ideal carriers of different bacteria and viruses. 

One major bacteria is salmonella, which can be highly dangerous for your health. To stay safe from these harmful bacteria, it is better not to eat milk snakes in the first place. 

Another issue you need to consider is the legality of eating milk snakes. The species is yet to be added to the endangered animal list. However, some species of the snake are suffering from loss of habitation

The government is taking action to preserve these species. There can be some sort of ban on eating this beautiful reptile in your area. 

3. Not Encouraged by Tradition

Milk snake is not a traditional part of any diet. You had better let these animals live their lives. Some societies do not consider it a pure food. There are also restrictions in religions as well. Avoiding eating the reptile seems like the best option for you. 

4. Cultural Taboos

Eating snakes is not common in most communities. However, there can be some differences in Southeast Asia. But still, eating snakes is often considered taboo and not encouraged. It can affect your reputation. 


Check these frequently asked questions and you will get a better understanding of milk snakes. 

How aggressive are milk snakes?

Milk snakes are not aggressive. They are very gentle and docile. Making the first attack is not in their nature and they will never do it. They would rather flee away than attack humans. However, these snakes may try to scare or bite you only if they feel endangered. This is the last stage of their self-defense.

How do I identify a milk snake?

You can identify milk snakes from their vibrant color, slender body, and v or y-shaped patches on their bodies. They are friendly reptiles and do not attack humans. They have a tendency to hide themselves from other creatures. 

Can milk snakes kill dogs?

No, milk snakes are too small to kill dogs. Besides, they are not venomous or poisonous to kill dogs. They are peace-loving reptiles and would try to avoid any interactions with dogs or other mammals. 


Milk snakes are not poisonous and not aggressive either. This makes them an ideal reptile to have them as pets. You can have them in your house if you are attracted to their vibrant appearance. You must keep them in enclosures and should always wash your hands after handling them.