Where Do Green Tree Pythons Live in the Wild?

As a reptile enthusiast, you cannot but love green tree pythons. Their colorful appearance, beautiful eyes, cinnamon-bun-like coiling, etc., all are adorable. However, you must have noticed that they are not seen in America so often. Then where do green tree pythons live?

Green tree pythons live mostly in New Guinea, Australia, and eastern Indonesia. These snakes like to coil around tree branches instead of lying on the ground. They prefer tropical rainforests, where the temperature is not very high. You must not try to remove them from tree branches as it often breaks their spines. 

But if you really want to have one of them as a pet, then carry on reading. Let me help you find the best green tree python. 

Where to Find Green Tree Pythons in the USA?

green tree python living on grass

Sadly, green tree pythons cannot be seen in the US forests. They are not native to the USA. Nonetheless, it does not mean that you cannot have them. There are many pet stores that supply them to snake enthusiasts.

These arboreal snakes are in great demand in the United States, and many pet stores have raised them. You can do your research regarding the ideal pet shop or breeder for you. I am suggesting some of the renowned ones:

  • Underground reptiles
  • Morph market
  • Petco, etc. 

Can You Pet Green Tree Pythons?

Yes, green tree pythons can be kept as pets. It is legal in the United States. They can be exotic animals to display in your home and entertain guests. They require a 20-gal long aquarium for captive life as they can grow up to 2 meters

You must do your research and homework before purchasing them. These snakes are not like mammal pets. They are hardly going to be a friend to you like dogs and cats become. Snakes like to live in solidarity mostly.

Dibba Fernstorm has been a reptile breeder and keeper for many years and shares her view on having them, saying:

Things to Be Careful of While Purchasing Green Tree Pythons

So, if you are going to buy a reptile for you, and it is a green tree python, then you may need to know the following things.

  • Look for a snake that is alert and responsive, with clear eyes. Observe for signs of mites, ticks, or respiratory problems. Don’t pick snakes with these parasites or other skin issues. 
  • Some green tree python snakes are aggressive, while some are calm. So, it is important to find a breeder who is willing to let you handle the snake. This will help you to ensure that the snake is not too aggressive.
  • Think twice before opting for baby greens. They are difficult to pet and handle. They get angry quickly and want to take a snap. 
  • Breeders are better options than pet stores. 
  • As the green tree python enclosure size is quite big, ensure that you have enough space. 
  • Also, if you have other pet animals like dogs, be careful. Dogs often annoy snakes, and snakes may bite them
green tree python on a tree


The following information may also come in handy if you are looking for green tree pythons.

Q: Are green tree pythons poisonous?

No, green tree pythons are not poisonous! They are constrictors and squeeze their prey to suffocation. While not venomous, their bites can still draw blood due to their sharp teeth. You had better maintain a safe distance. 

Q: Do green tree pythons like water?

Green tree pythons don’t soak in water, but they do need high humidity. They may drink water from leaves or a water bowl. Provide fresh water and mist their enclosure to keep them happy!

Q: Is a green anaconda bigger than a green tree python?

Absolutely! Green anacondas are giants, reaching up to 30 feet long. Green tree pythons are much smaller, typically not more than 6 feet. They wouldn’t even be on the same menu as an anaconda!


Green tree pythons are not native to the United States, and you won’t find them in the jungle or in the forest. The only way to have them as pets is by buying them from breeders or pet stores. Though they are expensive, they can be a great collection for any reptile lover.