How Big Does A Carpet Python Get

Carpet pythons can get about six to eight feet in length. However, they are slender compared to some other constrictors. So, you see, “How big does a carpet python get?” is not a problematic question. 

However, remember that carpet python size varies depending on the subspecies. Most grow 6 to 8 feet long, some females reach over nine feet. Yes, some of them are much longer than an adult human. Smaller subspecies can be as short as four feet. 

Now that you know the primary answer to your question, let’s explore some other interesting facts about their size. 

How Big Does A Carpet Python Get Depending on Subspecies

Different carpet pythons (Morelia spilota) have different sizes. Therefore, it is important to know about the subspecies of the carpet python. 

Different types of carpet pythons size
SubspeciesScientific nameTypical size
Diamond Carpet PythonMorelia spilota spilota6-8 ft
Coastal Carpet PythonMorelia spilota mcdowelli8-10 ft 
Jungle Carpet PythonMorelia spilota variegata6-8 ft 
Children’s Carpet PythonMorelia spilota childreni4-6 ft
Desmond Carpet Python Morelia spilota desmondensis6-8 ft
Irian Jaya Carpet PythonMorelia spilota harrisoni6-8 ft
Sp blotched Carpet PythonMorelia spilota mcdowelli6-9 ft
Darwin Carpet PythonMorelia spilota metcalfei4-6 ft
Carpentaria Carpet PythonMorelia spilota spilota6-10 ft 

What Influences the Size of A Carpet Python?

The size of a carpet python or a snake depends on various factors. It includes their species, sex, diet, and environment. Let me explain. 

  • Subspecies: This is the biggest influence. Different subspecies of these reptiles have different genetically determined sizes. You must have seen it in the table above. 
  • Sex: Females tend to be larger than males in most carpet python subspecies. This is because they need the extra size to produce and carry more eggs.
  • Diet: What carpet pythons eat influences their size, too. 
  • Environment: Usually, carpet pythons in captivity have the potential to reach their maximum size. Many of them cannot reach their maximum size in the wild because of a lack of food. 

What Size of Carpet Python Can You Keep as a Pet?

Carpet python on grass

Carpet pythons come in a variety of sizes. The ideal pet size depends on your experience level and ability to provide proper care. Beginners should consider starting with smaller subspecies. Or, you can have the children of larger species. 

Smaller snakes are more manageable and require enclosures that are easier to accommodate in a home. Experienced keepers with knowledge of reptile care can consider larger options. 

Diamond carpet pythons are more popular because of their beautiful patterns.  However, the Coastal Carpet Python (8-10 ft) is best reserved for very experienced owners.

Anyway, the size is not the major issue here. These snakes are non-venomous, so they won’t cause much problem. Go for the one you would like to have as your pet. 


Here are some interesting questions related to their size. This will be necessary information for you as well. 

What is the biggest ever carpet python?

There’s no official record of the biggest carpet python ever. Some unverified reports say some carpet pythons might have grown very large. These reports suggest some snakes could be as long as 5 meters, which is 16 feet! That’s about the length of a car!

Can carpet pythons be aggressive?

Carpet pythons aren’t typically aggressive. They might strike if scared or fed.  Baby carpet pythons can be more nippy.  With proper handling, most carpet pythons calm down as adults. Educate yourself about how to handle snakes. 

Do bigger carpet pythons need more food?

Yes, bigger carpet pythons need more food, but not just because they’re bigger. It’s about their body size.  Their meals are based on a percentage of their weight. A larger snake needs a bigger meal to get the same amount of energy. 


So, I believe you have no more questions regarding “how big does a carpet python get?” They can be about eight feet tall, and some of them can get even bigger. With proper care, you can help them reach the full potential of their size. Hopefully, you have found this article helpful! Why don’t you check other articles as well?