Carpet pythons are non-venomous and so many reptile enthusiasts want to have them as pets. If you are also planning to have one, you must be aware of their diet. A proper diet is essential for them in captivity for survival. What does a carpet python eat?
Carpet pythons are carnivores, meaning that they feed on other animals. Their diet includes small mammals, bats, lizards, birds, etc. Though you can feed them both live and dead animals, they mostly prefer having recently deceased prey because of easy consumption opportunity.
You need to follow a proper feeding strategy and diet list in their captivity. Only then your python will grow quicker and remain healthy if you can do this. Let me help you through this article.
What Does A Carpet Python Eat?
Carpet pythons are obligate carnivores. These reptiles can eat a wide variety of animals because of their large size. They are often the biggest animals in their ecosystem in the wild. Carpet pythons are not known for eating vegetables and you should not try to feed them so.
Here is a list of animals carpet pythons can eat:
Type of Food | Examples |
Birds | Pigeons, Sparrows, Starlings, Kookaburras, Magpies |
Mammals | Rodents, Possums, Wallabies, Guinea Pigs, Rabbits |
Reptiles | Lizards, Other Snakes, Geckos, Skinks, Anoles |
Amphibians | Frogs, Toads, Newts, Salamanders, Caecilians |
Eggs | Bird or Reptile Eggs, Turtle Eggs, Crocodile Eggs, Alligator Eggs, Lizard Eggs |
Marsupials | Small Marsupials, Sugar Gliders, Possums, Kangaroos, Koalas |
Insects | Various Insects, Crickets, Grasshoppers, Beetles, Ants |
Chickens | Domestic Chickens, Bantams, Rhode Island Reds, Leghorns, Plymouth Rocks |
Small Pets | Guinea Pigs, Rabbits, Hamsters, Gerbils, Ferrets |
Arboreal Mammals | Flying Squirrels, Gliders, Tree Shrews, Lemurs, Colugos |
How Does A Carpet Python Hunt?
As carpet pythons are non-venomous; you may wonder how they hunt their prey. Well, these reptiles can grow 2 to 4 meters long with a heavy body and can weigh 5 to 15 kg or more. They use their body weight to catch their prey. Here is how they hunt:
- Carpet pythons have heat-sensitive pits in their lower jaw that detects the body heat of other warm-blooded animals. They use these pits to detect prey, even in darkness.
- These reptiles are patient hunters. Their body color helps them take camouflage in the open fields or trees, and wait patiently for the prey to approach.
- Despite their big size, carpet pythons are lighting fast. As soon as they notice the prey near striking length, they jump on and grab by with its sharp teeth.
- As the snake is not venomous, it cannot inject venom. Instead, it uses its large body to coil up against the animal to suffocate it. The prey finds it difficult to breathe and soon chokes.
- Pythons use their flexible jaws to expand and swallow the prey as a whole. They start swallowing from the head of the animal. It takes some time for them to digest the prey.
- Carpet pythons may not need to hunt again for weeks or months after a large meal. They digest their prey slowly and can live on them for a longer period of time. They are excellent climbers and often climb trees to catch birds. You can watch this video to see how they hunt:
See if Milk Snakes can drink milk
What Foods Carpet Python Should Not Eat?
Though carpet pythons are big, it does not mean that they can eat everything. There are a wide range of animals that they cannot eat. Check the below list for that:
Type of Food | Examples |
Large Mammals | Deer, Wallabies, Large Rodents, Kangaroos, Wild Boars |
Venomous Snakes | King Cobras, Black Mambas, Rattlesnakes, Taipans, Vipers |
Toxic Insects | Fire Ants, Poisonous Caterpillars, Assassin Bugs, Bombardier Beetles, Red Velvet Ants |
Poisonous Amphibians | Golden Poison Dart Frogs, Blue Poison Dart Frogs, Fire Salamanders, Toxic Newts, Cane Toads |
Harmful Reptiles | Gila Monsters, Komodo Dragons, Beaded Lizards, Green Anacondas, Sea Snakes |
Large Birds of Prey | Eagles, Owls, Falcons, Hawks, Vultures |
Domestic Animals | Dogs, Cats, Large Pets, Livestock, Horses |
Animals with Hard Shells | Turtles, Tortoises, Armadillos, Snapping Turtles, Box Turtles |
Inappropriate-Sized Prey | Large Deer, Large Birds, Oversized Rodents, Large Fish, Large Marsupials |
Wild Animals Protected by Law | Bald Eagles, Bengal Tigers, Rhinoceroses, Gorillas, Sea Turtles |
Note: These are animals that you should not feed your captive pythons. There can be exceptions in the wild and they may also tend to eat them as well.
Check the below questions for more information about the nature of carpet pythons. You will find these information handy.
Are carpet pythons dangerous to humans?
Carpet pythons are generally not dangerous to humans. They are non-venomous, shy, and tend to avoid human confrontation. While they may bite if threatened, their bites are typically not harmful. Proper handling and respect for their natural behavior reduce the likelihood of any negative interactions between carpet pythons and humans.
How long do carpet pythons live?
Carpet pythons have a lifespan of 20 to 30 years in captivity with proper care. Factors such as diet, habitat conditions, and genetics influence their longevity. In the wild, their lifespan might be shorter due to environmental challenges and predation.
Where are carpet pythons found?
Carpet pythons (Morelia spilota) are native to Australia. You can find them in various habitats, including forests, woodlands, and coastal regions. They inhabit both tropical and subtropical areas. With their diverse color patterns, they blend into the surroundings.
Is it legal to pet carpet pythons?
The legality of keeping carpet pythons as pets varies by location. In some places, they are legal to own with proper permits, while in others, restrictions or bans may apply. It’s crucial to check local laws and regulations of your locality.
Is carpet python poisonous?
No, carpet pythons are not poisonous. They lack venom glands and do not produce toxins that can harm through bites or other means. Instead, they are constrictors. They use constriction to subdue and eat their prey.
Carpet pythons eat a wide range of foods. From mammals, and birds, to rodents, they can eat them all. The size of the prey plays an important factor. You must maintain a good balance of various animals for them. Feeding the same animals can bore them. However, the legality of keeping them should be checked. Check other blogs on my website to get more knowledge about these reptiles.