Can Turtles Eat Green Apples: Safety, Benefits, and How to Feed?

Turtles are adorable little creatures that can give you joy and pleasure. You need to be careful about their health, too. Maintaining a proper diet is important for that. Their diet should include vegetables, insects, and also fruits. Can turtles eat green apples?

Yes, turtles can eat green apples. These apples are a good source of vitamins and minerals for turtles. Turtles can also get the necessary fiber and hydration from green apples. However, you should not make it a major part of their diet. It should be given to them in a small amount only.

Let me help you understand the benefits of green apples for turtles. At the same time, I will explain why you should not feed them too many apples. 

Do Turtles Like Green Apples?

Turtles usually like green apples. The slightly sweet and tart flavor can appeal to their palate. They might show interest by approaching the apple and taking bites when you offer. However, there can be exceptions. You should not force your turtle to eat apples in case it is uninterested. 

Pay attention to the reaction of your turtle to green apples. They are curious animals and like to bite foods when offered. Some turtles may consume the apple eagerly, while others may take more time to investigate. Make sure you are not overfeeding them with green apples. You can watch this video to see the curiosity and interest of turtles for apples:

Food Value of Green Apples

NutrientsAmount (per 100g)
Water86.7 g
Energy48 kcal
Protein0.27 g
Carbohydrate12.8 g
Fiber1.3 g
Total Sugars10.1 g
Glucose3.25 g
Calcium5 mg
Potassium90 mg

Benefits of Green Apples for Turtles

Green apples are nutritious for turtles. They can get many benefits from this fruit. Here are some of the major benefits. 

Helps in Hydration

Apple is rich in water content. In fact, 86% of its weight comes from water. Therefore, eating apples in a safe amount can fulfill their need for water and save them from dehydration. As a pet owner, you should be concerned about their hydration. 

Dehydration is a major problem for pet turtles. It can lead to different problems for them, especially in warmer weather. Give them apples, cucumbers, etc., to meet their water requirement. 

Green Apples Contain Important Nutrients

Green apples offer a valuable energy boost for turtles. In every 100 grams of green apple, there are approximately 48 kilocalories. This energy primarily comes from natural sugars present in the fruit. 

Turtles, being ectothermic, rely on external sources to regulate their body temperature. The easily digestible sugars in green apples provide a quick and accessible source of energy.

Offers Fiber to Turtles

Green apples are a commendable source of fiber for turtles. There is approximately 1.3 grams of fiber in every 100 grams of green apples. Thus the fruit contributes to digestive health in turtles. 

Fiber aids in maintaining a healthy gut promotes regular bowel movement and prevents constipation. Turtles benefit from a diet that supports proper digestion. The natural fiber content in green apples serves this purpose. 

Green Apples Contain Minerals

There are iron, zinc, copper, manganese, and potassium in green apples. These minerals play a vital role in keeping your turtles healthy and active. 

  • Iron is essential for hemoglobin production, aiding oxygen transport in turtle blood. It supports overall metabolic processes and promotes energy production and growth,
  • Zinc plays a crucial role in immune system functions. It contributes to skin health, shell maintenance, and wound healing. 
  • Copper facilitates the formation of red blood cells and supports oxygenation. 
  • Manganese is essential for bone formation and cartilage development in turtles
  • Potassium maintains proper fluid balance in turtles’ bodies. It also prevents dehydration in turtles and regulates heart function. 

How to Feed Green Apples to Your Turtles

You need to feed your turtles apples in a proper manner to ensure maximum benefits. Follow these instructions to feed them. 

  • Choose fresh apples and rinse them under clean water. Focus on removing any surface dirt or wax
  • It is best to peel off the skin. The skin often contains harmful contents that may remain after washing
  • Cut the apple into small pieces or thin slices. Chopping them makes it easier for turtles to consume them and reduces the risk of choking hazards. 
  • Do not forget to remove the core and seeds of the green apple. The seeds often contain cyanide, which is harmful to turtles
  • As apples are high in sugar, do not overfeed your reptile. It can cause digestive issues and other health problems. You had better give them a few slices once or twice a week
  • Mixing apples with other vegetables and fruits to make a salad can be a good dish for your turtles. It makes the food more flavorful and nutritious 
  • Stay near your turtles when they are eating green apples. You will be able to help them if they find it difficult to eat or consume any pieces
  • Is your turtle not eating them? It is okay and there is no need to force them. You can give them other fruits to eat.

What Other Fruits Do Turtles Eat?

Turtles eat various fruits, especially the ones that are high in water content. Here is a list of fruits you can feed to your turtle.

Fruits turtles can eat
Fruits turtles can eat
  • Bananas
  • Berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)
  • Grapes (sliced, without seeds)
  • Mangoes
  • Papayas
  • Watermelon (seedless)
  • Kiwi
  • Cantaloupe
  • Pineapple
  • Cherries (pitted)
  • Figs
  • Peaches (pitted)
  • Plums (pitted)
  • Oranges (in small amounts)


Still have questions? Check the following questions and hopefully, you will find your answer.

Can red-eared sliders eat green apples?

Yes, red-eared sliders can eat green apples in small amounts. Chop the apples into small pieces, and remove the seeds to prevent choking. The fruit will provide essential vitamins, fiber, and water to your red-eared slider. 

Do water turtles eat apples?

Yes, water turtles can eat apples. Remove seeds and observe the turtle’s response. Apples provide essential vitamins and hydration and contribute to their overall well-being. 

Can turtles eat apples every day?

No, you must not feed apples to your turtles every day. The high amount of sugar in the fruit can cause health issues for turtles. Turtles need a varied diet to meet their diverse nutritional requirements. 

Is it okay to feed wild turtles green apples?

No, you should not feed wild turtles green apples. In fact, you need to avoid feeding them at all. They have specific dietary needs and they get it in nature. Human-introduced foods can lead to health issues. Besides, they may become dependent on human intervention, which is not good for them.


You can let your turtles eat green apples in a small amount. There are no side effects. Nonetheless, be watchful regarding the amount. Excessive amounts of apples are not safe for them. They can get sick and bloated. 

Follow my instructions to feed them green apples properly. It will ensure they are getting the essential benefits from eating apples. And you will notice health improvement and activeness in your turtles. All the best!

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