Do Turtles Have Teeth to Chew Food?

My turtle will eat anything that I give him to eat. Whether it is some insects, fruits, or vegetables, he eats them all. But all of a sudden, the question struck me. Do turtles have teeth? How do they chew their food otherwise? 

Well, no, adult turtles do not have teeth. They use sharp beaks to tear, crush, or scrape their food. Baby turtles have a temporary “egg tooth” to break out of their shell. However, it is not used for eating, and it falls off soon. Science says that there used to be “toothed turtles” in the past.

Isn’t it interesting that these reptiles can eat without teeth? I guess this can be a good discussion with more details. Let’s begin. 

Why Do Turtles Have No Teeth? 

Turtle beak habit

Reptiles usually have teeth, such as Komodo dragons, bearded dragons, snakes, etc. Turtles are one of the few species that are exceptional. This might seem strange, but there’s a fascinating evolutionary story behind it.

The key lies in their beaks. Their beaks are made of keratin, a protein found in our hair and nails. Keratin grows continuously, allowing turtles to maintain sharp edges for tearing, crushing, and scraping their food. This eliminates their need for teeth. 

Nonetheless, fossil evidence tells a different story. The ancestors of modern turtles used to have teeth. Those teeth gradually disappeared over millions of years. Scientists believe this is due to a shift in diet.

Early turtles may have been omnivores. They needed teeth to tear flesh and plate matter. The diet has become more specialized among modern turtles. Sea turtles, for example, rely heavily on jellyfish, which require no chewing. 

The nature of their beak and current food habits make teeth useless for them. So, their body gradually got rid of them. Beaks offer a low-maintenance solution for processing food, while teeth used to be genetically more expensive. 

How Do Turtles Eat Food?

The lack of teeth does not mean that turtles cannot eat. In contrast, they are frequent eaters. Here is how they eat:

  • They use their sharp breaks to tear plants or snap prey. 
  • Their powerful jaws provide the bite force to break into tough food items. 
  • Some turtle species can use their tongues to help secure food.
  • They also use their strong limbs and beaks to flip rocks to find hidden food. 

Can Turtles Bite?

Do turtles have teeth

Yes, turtles can bite! Even though they lack teeth, their beaks are very sharp. These beaks are like strong nippers. 

Thankfully, these reptiles do not bite unless they feel scared or threatened. They are quite gentle and docile. Biting can happen if you pick up a wild turtle or try to take their food. 

Do turtles bite hurt? Not really. The severity of a turtle bite depends on the size of the turtle. A small turtle might just give you a pinch. However, a large turtle’s bite can break skin and draw blood. 

If you notice wild turtles, it’s good to observe them from a distance. Though the bite does not hurt, turtles contain salmonella bacteria that can make you sick. 

Do Turtles Suffer for Not Having Teeth?

Nope, turtles don’t suffer for not having teeth. They are chomping happily without chompers. Here is why:

They do not need teeth to eat food. Their beaks and other organs can help in this. Besides, maintaining teeth would have required more energy and resources. Not having teeth is actually beneficial for them. Beaks are a much simpler solution.


Here it is. 

  • Do turtles have teeth? 
  • No. 
  • Do they need teeth? 
  • No. 
  • Did they used to have teeth? 
  • Yes. 

Modern turtles can live happily without having teeth. Though the babies are born with one egg tooth, that falls off soon, so that should not be counted. Maybe at some point in our evolution, we humans will also lose our teeth; who knows?